idea 6 [sad, warning]

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title i chose:



the system's down, the system's down, but we made light in a blackout

prologue i wrote:

X looked over the railing to the city, Seoul, below. People were walking by with their children and siblings and significant others. The noise from the city streets was deafening to most, but she paid no mind to it; 15 years of the same sounds had made her accustomed to it.

Her hands griped the cold, rusty metal, making her tanned fingers turn white from strain. The wind blew her hair into her face, making strands stick to her wet, tear-stained cheeks. X fell to her knees, more tears falling from her brown eyes. She shoved her hands into the pocket of her jacket, feeling the folded loose leaf paper, wrapping her hand around it. She placed a shaky hand to the concrete wall, thanking that her face mask was hiding her jagged breaths. Using her hand to push her body off the ground, she used the one against the short wall to bring herself back up to look over the railing.

Taking a deep breath, she placed her shaking leg on the ledge formed from the railing and the concrete. She grabbed the metal bar at the top of the rail, pulling her other foot onto the concrete. X then placed a foot over the bar she had her hands on moments before, then throwing the other over. Her hands kept a death grip on the bar behind her, stabilizing her body. Her feet were inches away from the edge of the building, 5 stories up. Her eyes fluttered closed as she spoke, the words flowing through her face mask.

"I'm sorry, Y. Please, forgive me."

As her hands loosened their grip, another pair caught them, making her cry out. She was so close . . .

Whoever hands they were, the owner was obviously much stronger than X was. (That wasn't a shock, she was far from having any body strength, especially the last 7 months.) They pulled her small, fragile, 5'0" figure over the railing, back to the roof. Their arms wrapped around her body that was raking with sobs; her arms pounded against the person's chest.

"Why, why, why? I was so close. I want to die, why won't you let me?"

When the person spoke, she recognized the voice. "Because I need you alive. You're my sister, there's no way in hell I'm letting you go like that."

"Y? Why are you here? H-how did you find me?"

He shushed her, pulling her closer into his chest, whispering reassurances to her, "You're safe right now, X. One day, you'll be out the house, you'll be happy. Things will get better and I am going to make sure you see it. You will see the day you're genuinely happy. But you know it won't happen overnight, right? We have to work towards it, and yes some weeks will be worse than others, but at the same time, some weeks will be much better than others. You have to live to see them, or else they won't happen. Yes, it seems like this is your fate, but trust me, it isn't. You're gonna live to become successful and prove mom wrong. You just need to trust me."

He rubbed her hair as she sobbed into his sweatshirt, her arms wrapped around him like her life depended on it. "But how? The first words I remember mom telling me was that I was never gonna be successful, so I was a disgrace to the family name. The first time she hit me was a week later. She's always hated me, liked you better, and making it obvious. Y, how can I possibly last another 3 years with her?"

She felt her brother sigh, before pulling her of him, grabbing her shoulders. He looked into her eyes, seeming reluctant to say his next words, but upon seeing the brokenness in her eyes, he muttered the courage to say it. "I-I didn't want to tell you this, but Gran, she's, uh, leaving. Go with her."

X looked at him questioningly, tears still flowing out her eyes, "To Busan or something?"

He shook his head, taking a deep breath as he spoke, tears forming in his eyes at the thought of his sister leaving, "No. She's moving to America, X. California, to be exact."

Her chocolate eyes widening, "Wh-what? All the way over there? What for?"

"They offered her a job, and she took it. It's nothing crazy, but it guarantees her living comfortably for the rest of her life. Go with her, X, it's a fresh start."

"Come with me, Y, we can leave mom behind here." Y cringed, knowing he was about to break her with the rest of the news.

"I can't. I'm already a trainee at SM. Plus, Gran only has room for one. You can leave in 2 weeks, go. I'll manage, I promise I won't overwork myself. I'm 19 soon, anyway. I'll be legal. Take this chance. Be happy."

2 weeks later, Park X was on a flight towards California.

background/my thoughts on it:

this story was going to be based off of blackout by triton. Y is X's brother, for reference :| also i wrote this around the time i was understanding the need for representation, so X was supposed to be apologetically bisexual/lesbian. i also planned for X to be deaf so that i could place some sign language learning in the story. X was also going to be a singer in my mind, i never fully developed what genre or anything like that though.

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