Chapter 1: Jana/Emily

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"Em, one of these days, you need to take a break." Emily look to her now wife and smiled, "I like my work." "Emily, we may not have had a wedding but after we eloped you came straight back to work. I love how into this you are but eventually, if you don't take a break, you're going to drown in all of it." "I'll take a break after we catch the Cloaked Figure. Promise." For months, a new villain had been running around. No one knew who it was because they wore a cloak and always seemed more focused on keeping the hood on then actually defending themselves, yet they never got hurt, never got close to being caught and fought off whoever tried to catch her. Emily had wanted to concentrate on trying getting Jamie free but with this villain running around, she and Shane had agreed that they needed to put a stop to this person. They had yet to kill anyone but they've come very close to it. "Any news?" Delia asked looking over Emily's should at some papers. "No, not really. I contacted Shane to meet me here so he should be here any minute. We need to stop this person..."

Shane appears in the HA hideout. "Let me guess. Cloaked Figure again?" he asks. Emily nodded, "I've studied every piece of security footage but I still can't see their face or anything to tell me who they could be. Their skill with weapons is impressive, honestly, I think the only one of us who could stand a chance up against them is Clara when it comes to weapons. I seriously think this is some villain kid but and well, if anyone is an expert at figuring out who each villain kid is, it's Clara. Please tell me you or Claytin have heard from her?" Months ago, Clara had texted Claytin telling him she had to go to Sleeping Beauty's kingdom for a while for her job but no tracking magic or transportation magic works inside the kingdom's borders. Ever since Clara hadn't sent a single text or call to anyone. She simply left and disappeared in there. She never responded to calls, or texts not even from Adrianna. "Nah. Haven't heard anything. Every time I try to get in contact with her, it either gets ignored or doesn't go through." Emily sighed, "I know I told her that when it came to her job, I wouldn't interfere and try to get her to do something but if we don't figure out who this villain is soon, I'm afraid that they are going to end up killing someone. I don't even know how they are doing what they are. Not even the people in close up fights can see their faces. It doesn't make any sense!" "I would try and spy on them but they keep popping up somewhere else in the world. They either have magic themselves or something magic to help them," Delia added. Shane strokes his chin. "I could ask Mo or Cherise if they know anything about it. But I don't know if the Cloaked Figure gets involved with Neutrals." "I'll take any information we can get," Emily sighed. "What if someone went and got Clara?" Delia suggested, "I mean, if someone physically goes and finds her, she'll know it's important and then whoever goes can tell her to start responding to texts." "That could work," says Shane. "It might as well be you, Shane, she doesn't really listen to anyone but you and Claytin," Emily said. "She listens to Markus sometimes," Delia said. "Yeah but he isn't allowed in Sleeping Beauty's kingdom, plus we can't send him being as he isn't apart of the HA's." Delia shrugged, "I am not welcome there either. The one place I have not been able to watch." "Shane, if you do go, take at least Jana. Hopefully, news of her and Markus dating hasn't spread. I'm not welcome in the kingdom because I married Delia. If you run into Aurora and Phillip's oldest daughter, you're going to need a princess. That family doesn't trust villain kids and last I heard, Jana was a professional at dealing with Penelope. But it's really up to you as I can't boss you around anymore but taking Jana, Zelda or Allara might be best. At least one of them if not more. Sorry I can't come and help." Shane nods. "I'll bring Zelda and Jana," he says. He takes out his HA Leader's coun and sends a message to Zelda and Jana: I need you two to come with me to Sleeping Beauty's kingdom so we can find Clara. Meet me in the leader's room as soon as you can.

Jana appeared soon after, she had been bored and doing nothing. "I'll come but someone owes me something big if we end up having to deal with that spoiled brat," she said referring to Penelope, they didn't have a good history with each other. "I'll be sure to make it up to you," says Shane as Zelda walks in. "It's sad that there's still some people out there that don't trust VKs simply out of paranoia or fear," she says. Jana nodded, "If we do end up bumping into Penelope, which we probably will, I'd let Zelda and I do most of the talking Shane. She is someone you have to milk to get any information. You can't just straight up ask her or she'll ignore the question and she'll definitely ignore it from you being as you're a villain kid. And you can say that innocent people at risk, if she isn't at immediate risk, she does not care." "Understood," says Shane. "Alright. Let's go." Shane, Zelda, and Jana are transported out of the HA hideout and into Sleeping Beauty's kingdom.

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