Chapter 9

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   Adrianna appeared outside Shane and Charlene's home. She had been coming here a lot lately. Claytin tried not to show it, but she knew he was shaken up pretty badly because of Clara and even with Jana's help, he was struggling with Lyle. Adrianna found Shane and Charlene's house almost as an escape from her house. Plus sometimes Ash was there so it was even better. But she was here for a different reason, she was just hoping Shane wouldn't try and stop her. She went up to the front door and knocked. 

   The door opens on its own as Shane sits on the couch. "Ah, Adri! What brings you here?" he asks. "I think I know how to get information on what happened with mama," Adrianna said coming in and closing the door behind her, "And I wanted your help." Shane perks up immediately, summons his cane, and walks toward the front door. "I'm listening." "I remember the last place she went when she was a hero. Papa had told me that her weapon seller, Reggie, had a new weapon for her, and she went there to buy it. But she never came home after that because she had sent papa the text that she had to go to Sleeping Beauty's kingdom which we now know it a lie. Do you still have the sword she dropped?" Adrianna explained. "Yeah. I always keep it with me," he says, reaching into his pocket and taking out the shrunken sword. "I had to shrink it down because having a sword visibly on my person would've raised suspicion." "I think she may have bought it from Reggie. Like I said when she dropped it, she doesn't trust weapons she doesn't buy or take on her own. I snooped through some of her stuff, and can we not tell her or papa about that, I'm supposed to stay out of their stuff. But I found the address to the shop and I want to go and question Reggie. Mama used to say he was a scammer and not really a villain, he is just being roped into it. I am going either way but I wanted you to come too." Shane nods. "I'm going somewhere with Adri! I'll be back!" he calls to Charlene, who's upstairs in the bedroom. "Okay! Stay safe!" she calls back. 

   Adrianna used her magic to take them right outside of VS Weapon Shop. She opened the door and she and Shane entered. Reggie wasn't paying attention that they had entered because he was busy talking to a red-headed girl, MG. She had her back to Adrianna and Shane so she didn't realize they had entered either. "Aw come on. You're not even a little interested?" MG was saying to Reggie. "Look, MG, I don't need you dating me just to get back at Ravi for the whole proposal to Jocelyn thing. I may dislike my brother, but I dislike being used more," Reggie responds. "I wouldn't be using you! I actually like you!" "Right, your nickname at your home is Siren. Your thing is seducing men MG. I can't trust you and I am not getting in a relationship with someone I can't trust." "You're a scammer, I couldn't trust you either." "Well, our relationship would be built on us not trusting each other. No thanks. Besides, your cousin doesn't like my family much, I don't need him trying to sabotage my shop." Shane clears his throat. "Did we... interrupt something?" Reggie looked over, "Oh! That is not a shock at all." he said, "Never thought I'd see you in this place." MG turned and recognized Shane immediately. Now that she was facing Shane, her necklace was visible and on the chain of her necklace was the pocket watch she had Clara steal. Jocelyn though had put a spell on the chain to make sure only she could take it off. Adrianna went behind Shane a bit, she was totally scared but she was only thirteen, powerful as she may be. "What's an HA doing here?" she asked crossing her arms. "Not your shop, why do you care?" Reggie asked her. "Because isn't this a villain shop?" "It's a weapon shop, I've sold a crossbow to his wife. I don't care who comes, it is just used mostly for villains." "We're here to talk with Reggie," says Shane. "Which is definitely more important than the reason you're here." MG rolled her eyes, "I sometimes wonder why Frollo wasted her villainy to be your friend." Adrianna glared at MG but bit her tongue. She was trying her best not to use her magic here and if she started talking, she might spit out a spell. "MG, if you're not going to buy anything, get out will you? Don't you have other men to seduce or something?" She shrugged, "Not really. This was my last stop, my cousin should be here soon to take me home." "You're over eighteen." "He's overprotective. Do you really want to deal with him if you send me off?" Reggie sighed, "You can go to the back, I'll call when he gets here. Don't try to steal anything, everything is locked up and I know you aren't good at lockpicking." MG rolled her eyes before throwing Shane a glare and going to the back. 

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