Chapter 3

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   Claytin was in the kitchen making Adrianna lunch. It had been months since Shane and Jana told him about Clara not being in Sleeping Beauty's kingdom and he had been trying to contact her but to no luck. Adrianna had tried everything in her collection and everything she knew in magic but she couldn't get anything. 

    Out of nowhere, Shane appears in the kitchen with Emilio and Stefani holding onto him. They all agreed that it was time for them to meet his friends and their fellow allies. "Emilio, Stefani, this is Claytin and Adrianna. Clara's husband and daughter," says Shane. Adrianna waved, she was sitting on the counter. "Hi," she said. Claytin looked over to Shane, "I haven't gotten anything from her. Have you?"  "Not yet," says Shane. "I'm really starting to get worried now." "I assume we're talking about Clara?" Emilio inquires. Claytin nodded and sighed, "Last she hasn't contacted this long was when Markus kidnapped her." "She wasn't kidnapped! I would know!" Adrianna said, "I don't have the same feeling I had back then."  "She didn't go into hiding again, did she?" asks Shane. "I don't think she had a reason and with Lyle, I can't imagine she'd go. And when she went into hiding, she faked her death. Clara would have left some kind of hint," Claytin said. A moment later, Markus appeared, "Is Jana here?" he asked Claytin. "Upstairs reading. Lyle is asleep. Adrianna, can you go get Jana?" Adrianna nodded and jumped off the counter before running upstairs.   

   "And who's this?" asks Stefani, pointing at Markus. "I'm Markus, son of Maleficent," Markus said.

    Adrianna came down with Jana afterward. "Markus, I think I had a new power," Adrianna said. "I wouldn't be surprised, what happened?" "When I saw Ash last, I touched her and I saw her thoughts..." "And what did you see?" asks Shane. Adrianna shrugged, "I don't remember much, it was a flash, both her and I were surprised." "Would you be willing to try again?" Markus asked. Adrianna nodded, "Sure if someone is willing to let me, though I don't know exactly how I did it." "Here, you can do mine," Jana offered. She went over and Adrianna grabbed her arm, in a matter of seconds, Adrianna's eyes went pitch black. "Whoa, that's amazing!" exclaims Stefani. "That must be Jana," says Emilio. "Yes, that's Jana. Now pay attention. This is your first official lesson," says Shane. Adrianna let go and her eyes went back to normal, "You have weird thoughts..." she said putting a hand to her forehead, doing that gave her a headache. "You okay Adri?" Claytin asked. "Yeah, just a small headache." "Your magic is growing fast, especially for being a hybrid," Markus said, "I can read pieces of thoughts but my magic is strong enough to do that. I'll help you learn to control it and if you practice enough, eventually you'll be able to see someone's thoughts and memories without touching them." Adrianna gave a small smile, "I knew my old mama was strong but I didn't think I'd be strong like her." "You're almost thirteen, once you turn into an official teenager, you'll magic will really start coming in." "It must be amazing to have powers," says Stefani. "The closet I have is this amulet that lets me speak to animals. And even that's not all that special." "It can be cool but it puts more of a target on your back," Markus explained, "Which is why we have to be careful." "I'm going to go watch TV," Adrianna said. "I'll call you in when your lunch is ready," Claytin said. 

   Adrianna nodded before going into the living room. "I am going to have to start contacting my Aunt Doreen at this rate with how her powers are growing. I can still train her but when she can do things, I can't do, I am going to need to figure out how to teach her how to control them. I knew that her powers were going to grow strong but I forgot just how strong we get when we turn thirteen and she's what? A month away?" Claytin nodded, "It's weird to think it's been three years since Clara and I adopted her."  "Wait, she's adopted?" asks Emilio. "How do you think she has magic?" Claytin asked, "Neither Clara or I do." "She's biologically my cousin. My mother is her biological mom's older sister. My family tree is basically a mess and most of my family aren't very nice, especially my mother and grandparents, as Shane would know," Markus explained. "You remember Ash, the girl you met at the Trainee Building? I rescued her from them. She used to be their slave," says Shane. "Ah, that's great!" says Stefani. Out of nowhere, Adrianna gave a scream in the living room before coming back into the kitchen. "Adrianna, what's wrong?" Claytin asked. "I was... uh, well the news came on and the Cloaked Figure is in Australia right now trying to get some guy's suitcase and we don't know what's in it other than it's valuable. Then they fell and their hood fell off for the first time... um... I found mama..." Shane jolts up. "Don't tell me," he says. He doesn't want to believe what he'd initially thought, but he's pretty certain that his assumption is correct. 

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