Chapter 13

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   Markus was at his cave trying to use his powers to track Jana or any way to get to her but the magic blocking him from finding her was too strong. Maleficent had refused to help but he knew she knew something, she was too smug about it when they talked. 

   Shane enters the cave and smiles. "Ah, this place brings back memories!" he says. "The last time I was in here, I was a spirit." Markus looked over to him, "What are you doing here?" he asked, "I thought you would be either with Charlene or trying to find a way to get Clara to speak to you." "Charlene's having a nice nap with little baby Shika. They just fell asleep about thirty minutes ago," says Shane. Charlene had finally had the baby girl. She and Shane had decided to name her Shika Leina Facilier. "And I was just here to check on you and your progress." "I've got nothing. Absolutely nothing! I can't track Jana or Clara, I've been trying for hours. At this rate, I am considering going to Jocelyn, as bad as an idea as that is. I just can't shake off this feeling that this has something to do with the Villain Society." "I'm certain of it, too," says Shane. "But I did talk to Clara a couple of days ago. Or rather, she asked me to see her." "That is... unexpected. What did she want?" Markus asked. "She, uh, asked me to kill her," says Shane. Markus went silent for a second, "That is out of character. I know she was suicidal when she was a villain, I had stopped her once, I think you were sick or something which is why she tried to do it that day. We were, ten, I think. You would have been eleven I guess. But she never tried to get someone to kill her. At least not from what I've heard." "Well, that's what she asked me to do," says Shane. "Obviously, I refused, but she was very adamant about it. Anyway, before we parted ways, she told me to get you to take me to Agrabah." "You could have led with that you know," Markus said rolling his eyes, "You sure you want to go? There is no guarantee that if we got to Agrabah, either of us are getting out. You just had a kid, you need to be one hundred percent sure you are willing to risk this for Clara. I'm going for Jana but I know you aren't. You would have killed Clara and taken the pendant if this was about Jana for you. Is Clara worth it to you?" "Markus, I have gone through so much for her. There's no limit to the lengths I'll go to to help her. So, yeah. Clara's sure as hell worth it to me," says Shane. "Then we better go," Markus said. 

   Using his magic he transported him and Shane to the borders of Agrabah, "Once we go in, you can't transport back out. I should be able to so my advice is don't get too far away from me. Did Clara say anything else about what to do or why we came here? I need to know before we are actually in Agrabah." "We just have to find Clara. She'll have Jana, too, so all we'll have to do is hide and wait," says Shane. Markus nodded, "Then let's get this over with." 

   He waved his hand, taking him and Shane to the Agrabah palace throne room, in a dark corner so they would be spotted. Jocelyn was pacing, "Where is she?! She was supposed to be here five minutes ago!" "You've grown impatient over the years," Jamie said, he was standing next to the throne. Jocelyn turned to her brother, "Because someone took my sanity!" "You have it back now." "Don't challenge me brother! I don't know how much more pain our dear mother can handle!" "Mother?" Shane asks, quietly. "From what Jana has told me, Jamie and Jocelyn's mother Qadira was forced to be with Jafar. After Jocelyn lost her sanity, Qadira started ignoring her existence. When talking about her children, she only ever mentioned Jamie and it drove Jocelyn even more insane, that's one reason why Jocelyn loves Jafar so much. Jafar saw the villain inside of her and played on that, until he died that is. After Jocelyn left, Qadira got engaged to someone, and she and Jamie were going to move out of Agrabah but then a sandstorm hit the village where his fiance was, killing everyone there. They stayed in Agrabah and lived in the palace, Qadira taking Jafar's job. I am guessing when Jocelyn couldn't torture Jana anymore, she went after the next best thing, the woman who chose Jamie over her," Markus explained whispering. "Man, that's horrible," says Shane. Markus nodded in agreement, "Jocelyn may be a villain, but you have to remember, she was neutral at one point until Jamie had Jana wish his genie half to her and refused to take it back."

Hellfire on the Other Side Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora