Preparing For Auditions

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            This year I was the only person in the 7th grade at my school auditioning for district band, and I was so stressed and nervous about it that everytime someone even mentioned 'band' I had a panic attack or started feeling nauseous (I'm not exaggerating trust me), so in this chapter I'll try to help you not do that. I read books and websites along with asking dozens of people for advice on district band auditions. Here are some tips on district/area band auditions:

- You only get a minute or two to show those judges if you should be in district/area band or not. Don't waste it freaking out, just relax and try to breathe.
- After I emailed my band director and told him about how much I was freaking out over district band auditions this was one of the things he said, "If you make it only validates the hard work. If you don't make it still it just hallmarks the work you have done and will only point you into areas of improvement". Keep that in mind. That is coming from someone who has done many auditions and has been a judge for many auditions.
- If you've practiced enough you should be able to relax and be calm for your auditions.
- Bring a bottle of water with you to auditions if you are able to, don't be like me and get dry mouth in the audition room.
- If you're still nervous at auditions try talking to other people who are nervous (it made me feel better and I made two new friends at district auditions).
- Keep in mind the fact that those judges are music lovers just like you. They aren't trying to ruin your life, they're trying to help you become a better musician.

Thank you to my band director and my friend who both helped me through the daunting times of district auditions.

Until next time, mini maestros!

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