Chapter 1

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Shawn's POV

I stood beside a lunch table in the courtyard of our school, while my boyfriend of one year, Nash Grier, spoke to his friends loudly.

"Shawn and I had so much fun last night, you wouldn't believe how loud he screamed." He bragged. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks in embarrassment as he enthuses about the sex we had last night. I put my right hand over my face and sigh, wondering why he does this every time.

It frustrates me when he does that. It's like he feels that he has to tell everyone or else it didn't happen.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed, baby. Sex is normal, and healthy." Nash smirks while smacking my ass.

"You know, you could sit down if you like." One of Nash's friends suggests. I assumed that the boy sitting closest to where I was standing was the one that spoke. He was moderately muscular with brown hair and brown eyes, and dressed sort of edgily like any cookie cutter attractive guy would. I'm sure his name was Tyler, Taylor or something to that effect, but at the moment I didn't quite care enough to remember exactly which one.

"Yeah, I know, but I'd rather stand." I replied monotonously, while not even taking a second glance at the boy.

I'm not that great at making friends. To be fair, I had just lost all of my old ones. My last group of friends completely cut me off because I was apparently ignoring them to pay more attention to Nash. Bullshit. They were selfish as fuck anyway.

Nash grabbed my hips and pulled me down to sit on his lap.

"Well, I guess there's no confusion as to who tops." Cameron Dallas, Nash's best friend, voiced while trying to contain his laughter.

"Yup! Shawn literally begs to bottom." Nash boasted.

Lies. I don't beg to bottom. He won't let me top. There's this thing he does that just makes me so weak and powerless against him. But, whatever. I'll let him have this one.

Nash wraps his arms around my waist and somehow his hand finds its way under my shirt.

"Dude, stop," I whisper.

"Make me," he replied. I promptly dismounted his lap to stand back in my former spot.

"This has been fun, really, it has, but I think it's about time that I go." I informed the entire table before walking off into the school. I figured I might as well go to the cafeteria since lunch wasn't over yet, and it was the best out of very few options. It didn't really matter where I went at this point, as long as I could be alone.

I stopped at my locker first since it was on the way to the cafeteria. Throwing my lunch bag into the locker before slamming it as hard as I could was the best I could do to release pent up aggression. I'm usually not an aggressive person, so, I do little aggressive things on the side so that I don't go crazy.

Suddenly I feel warm breath on my neck and a strong arm wrap around my waist. The scent of a specific cologne wafted its way into my nose, which immediately tipped me off as to who was behind me. Nash was so close that his chest was touching my back.

"Baby? Why did you run away?" He asks, planting a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. I felt his almost shoulder length brown hair brush against me, which almost forced me to feel less angry.

"Babe, if you don't want me to run away, don't feel me up in public."

"But I love feeling you up in public." He says while running his hands up my torso and chest.

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