Chapter 4

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Shawn's POV

Nash and I pull up to Taylor's house, asphalt crunching under the car as we parked at the curb. There were tons of cars parked up the street, most were standard used high school kid cars. I could tell that this party would be packed. If it's anything like the movies, I'm going to have a blast, especially with all of the prestigious seniors in attendance.

"Come on, come on, come on!" I rushed Nash excitedly while exiting the car.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Nash muttered while following behind me. I sped up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Nash laughed at me before kissing my forehead and muttering something about how cute I am. He pushes open the unlocked door and leads me inside.

"Hi!" Taylor stopped to greet us. He seemed like he was on his way to do something else.

"Hey!" I reply as I held Nash's hand. "Cool party..." I add awkwardly as Taylor's attention moves to Nash and I's hands for a split second.

"You've only been here for a few seconds." He laughed in return. He came closer to talk to us since a particularly loud rap song had begun to blast over the speakers.

"Yeah... but the party is so cool, I don't even need to be here for very long to know it." I dig myself deeper into my hole of humiliation. "Er... shoes or no shoes?" I ask, preparing myself to take off my shoes. Nash cooed at me. "I'm a party virgin, okay? Don't judge me."

"Shoes, babe." Nash instructs me. Heat rises to my cheeks as Nash puts his arm around me. Luckily, I was interrupted from embarrassing myself even more. Cameron walked up to us and smiled.

He didn't look dressy or anything along those lines but you could tell that his outfit was picked out carefully and it was hot. I'm pretty sure that Nash picked up on the fact that I was checking out his friend. I know Taylor picked up on it, since he blushed and looked away. I waved to Cameron politely. He shamelessly checked me out in return.

"Wow... who did you get all dressed up for?" I mused in a joking manner, even though I wasn't joking.

"You, hot stuff." Cameron laughed before grabbing my hand and twirling me around smoothly. Nash rolled his eyes once Cameron had let go. "If we're being honest: nobody. I look good all the time, but for this party I decided to look great. Now, whenever I pass myself in a mirror I can be stunned all over again." He smirked

"I admire your humility."

"Thank you. Nash, you wanna dance? This is a banger." Cameron asked, turning his attention away from me. Nash looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I planted a gentle kiss on his lips before gesturing for him to leave.

"Go, I'll survive." I laugh.

"Alright, but here are a few party rules: knock on every door before you open it unless it's glass, don't assume that the punch bowl is filled with punch, don't go anywhere without telling a person you trust, please don't smoke any weed and, if you see injustice, do something about it." He briefed me before prancing off with Cameron. I can't believe Nash left me alone at my very first party. I shrugged and began to look around awkwardly.

"Y-you and I could dance if you want..." Taylor suggests quickly.

"Yeah, ok." I reply as he leads me into the crowd. We begin to dance beside each other, but it was tricky since there was very little room to move. I'm only making a fool out of myself. I can't dance. "You're making me look so bad right now." I point out, trying to talk above the music.

"What, how?"

"I can't dance." I admit.

"You seem to be doing fine to me." He grabs my hand and spins me in circles. I laugh the whole way around. When he stopped spinning me, I was facing the other direction. A really tall boy noticed that I was dancing quite close to him, so he put his hands on my hips before beginning to dance with me. Taylor grabbed my hand quickly and spun me back around to face him. He looked very uneasy.

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