"Happy birthday to me"

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Draco's pov
I woke up to the smell of bacon in the air. Last night i had dreampt that me and Potter got married and he took my last name so we wouldn't be famous. It was a weird dream but pretty normal for me since i do have a HUGE crush on him. Yep,you heard right,i,Draco Malfoy am gay and i have a crush on Harry Potter. Both of my parents know that i'm gay and are perfectly fine with it. My father was a little angry that i liked Harry but he left it alone after my mother reamed his ass about it for over an hour. My mom can be really scary when she wants to be. "Draco darling it's time to get up!" yelled my mother from downstairs. Just then i remembered that today was Harry's birthday. I really hated pretending to hate him at school but i never know what to say to him so i just end up making fun of him and being rude. I got up and dressed then made my way down stairs for breakfast. When breakfast was over my mother came up to me "Draco honey,me and your father have some things to discuss with severus when he comes over today so why don't you go over to that muggle neighborhood you like and i'll come get you when it's time for you to come back.ok?" "Ok mother that sounds fun!" I say as i run out the door and towards the neighborhood i like.
Harry's pov
Today is my birthday and i wasn't happy at all. You're probably wondering "well why don't you like your birthday?" I'll give you 3 reasons.
1-it's the day i was born and in case you haven't noticed i wish i was never born.
2-no one EVER remembers my birthday so i always have to celebrate it alone.
and 3-I got one of the worst beatings of my life on my birthday because i had asked to play at the park and uncle Vernon didn't like that.
So you can see why i don't like my birthday. "BOY GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" screamed uncle Vernon from downstairs "Coming!" i yelled while running down the stairs. I was emediatly grabbed by the arm tightly which hurt my cuts but i didn't say anything. My uncle threw me to the ground and started kicking me in the back and stomach and punching me in the face. When he was done he yelled " We're going on a vacation for the week so you better not mess anything up!" "We need to make sure that the flowers don't die and the house doesn't get dusty while we're gone so we won't lock you in the cupboard but if i find out that you took any food or things from us you will regret the day you were born!!" "Yes uncle Vernon" i said and with that they left. I was actually kind of excited because i knew how to do things without making it look like i did them. I read books,watched tv,played games,went outside,i still did my chores because i knew that if they came back and i hadn't done them then they would be furious but overall i actually had a good day. It was getting dark outside so i decided to go to the park. I walked up to an old swing and took out my magic sketch pad. It's magic because anything you draw in it comes to life for a short while and only wizards and witches could see it so to muggles it just looks like a regular sketch pad. No one knows it but i'm actually pretty good at drawing. I sat there for who knows how long drawing a picture of everyone i knew (minus the Dursleys) standing together smiling and wishing me a happy birthday. I even drew Draco because i had a little crush on him. Ok a Huge crush but no one else knew about it and i'd prefer to keep it that way. When i was done with the picture i tapped the sketchbook with my quill and the picture came to life.Everyone was laughing and singing me a happy birthday. The twins had just pulled a prank on ginny so she was covered in blue paint but was still happy. It made me happy to look at them and feel loved even though i knew that this would never happen i was still calm at that moment before i heard a twig snap behind me.
Draco's pov
I had been walking around all day and i was getting kind of bored but mother hadn't come to get me yet and i knew better than to disobey her so when it started to get dark i went to a little park and saw none other than Harry Potter sitting there drawing. I decided that i would watch what he was doing from behind him since he thought that I hated him. I saw what he was drawing and it was amazing. It was the Weasles,the mud-blood,what looked to be Harry's parents,Sirius black,our old defence against the dark arts teacher Remus Lupin,some girl with purple hair(Tonks),and...me. I was suprised to say the least,i thought that he hated me but he drew a picture of me and it wasn't a bad picture either it was just me with my hair slicked back and i was in casual clothes and was smirking like i usually do. Above the picture were the words 'Happy Birthday Harry!'. I wanted to get a closer look so i took step forward and accidentily stepped on a twig making it snap in half causing him to turn around towards me. Our eyes locked for a moment before i looked at the rest of his face and what i saw confused me. He was crying and his face had bruises and cuts all over it. His eyes looked so dull like he didn't have emotions or something. It was sad to look at but before i could say anything he got up and ran. "Wait!!" i yelled to him but he wasn't listening he just kept running until  i couldn't see him anymore.
Harry's pov
I turned around to see where the noise came from and there i saw my crush Draco Malfoy staring right at me. Our eyes locked for a second before i saw him look at my face. He looked confused and then i remembered that i had forgotten to put a glamour on before i left. I quickly got up and started running 'home'.
"Wait!!" I heard him yell but i didn't look back i just kept running until i got 'home' and dissapeared inside.
One time i forgot how to say the word comfortable so everytime i said it i would say it in a weird way that made it sound like convertable like you know the car or whatever but then someone corrected me and it made so much more sense.  


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