Part whatever 'cos i don't care

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Harry's pov
I woke up and did a spell to look at the time "10:30..." i said to myself. I realized that it hadn't been that long since sev had layed me down to bed so i thought he might still be awake. I quietly went to the living room but stopped and hid behind a wall when i heard a voice that wasn't sev's but was familiar "What's wrong?" asked the voice "Oh! It's Remus! What's he doing here?" i thought as i recognised the voice. I zoned out for a while trying to come up with reasons why Remus was here but when i tuned in i heard sev say "i can't deal with this myself and your his godfather so i thought you deserved to know" i realized that he was talking about me so i kept listening,Remus started crying and i heard sev whisper something but i couldn't make out what it was. Eventually they fell asleep so i went back to bed knowing that i wouldn't sleep. I was right,i didn't sleep at all,my brain just kept making up things they were saying and somehow convincing me that sev was gonna get rid of me,making me cry.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so sorry it's so short!! I usually make them so much longer than this but i have serious writers block right now so i can't think of what to write!! Please forgive me and don't stop reading my fanfics!  

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