chapter 1

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Y/n !"Y/N!!! Get up you big dumb lazy ass! Get up!!"
You wake up to your older sister on top of you, yelling at you to get up. "Un..nie... get off of meee.." you mumble, annoyed. She gets off of you, then stands next to your bed with her arms crossed, looking down at you. "Get up, lazy head! You don't want to be late for your interview, you big dummy!" "Fiiinnneee..." you grumble, but with no intention to get up. You nearly fall back asleep before what Unnie said finally registered in your head. "WAIT, WHAT?!" you half shout, suddenly sitting up on your bed, eyes wide open, fully awake now. "What time is it?!" "It's currently 8:30." she says, looking at you with a look of amusement and light annoyance. "What the-? The interview's at 9:30! Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" "I've been trying to wake you up for the past 25 minutes." she says with an eye roll. "Now stop whining and go get ready. I'll make breakfast." "Okayyy." you reply, resigned.
Unnie left, and you lazily got up and went into the bathroom and start your morning routine. You take a warm shower, as fast as you can; it's already late.

Y/n Cheo Introduction:
She's one of the most demanded secretaries because she's gotten so much education.
She's from a rich family, but her parents are no longer with her. Only has her Unnie, who's taken the place of her mom, and is super sweet to her.
She's worked in many companies, but gets fired just because of her stupidity.
But she's a beautiful one. She has it all: the face, skin, figure - everything.

Anyways, today is my new interview in a really big company. It's one of the biggest companies in South Korea, but it is the richest out of all South Korean companies.
The Park Company. Run by CEO Park Jimin.

I finish doing my makeup and head down to eat breakfast. Stepping out I'm hit with a sweet, fluffy, buttery aroma. I take a big whiff and follow the smell... into the kitchen. I peek around the corner and see my unnie cooking.
"UNNIE!! WHAT are you MAKING?? It smells DELICIOUS!" I shout loudly, skipping over to her, and hugging her from the back.
"Heyy! Jesus, calm down! Aigoo, my ears..." she says giggling. "I'm making pancakes and bacon."
"Omg, pancakes?! What flavor?" I ask excitedly.
"Strawberry and..."
"And?" I ask impatiently.
"And chocolate!" she finally says grandly.
"OMG, I love you Unnie!!" I exclaim.
"Okay, okay! Go sit down at the table. I'll bring you the food." she says with a smile, pretending to be annoyed. I ignore what she says and sit down at the counter.
"Nah, I wanna be close to you." I say.
Unnie giggles and shakes her head with a smile.
"Mom and Dad may have left me, but they leftin behind an angel like you for me. When I die and go to heaven, I'll make sure to thank them. Love youuu." I tell her, smiling while watching her cook.
"Y/n..." she says, dragging out my name.
"Yessss?..." I say, looking at her with puppy eyes.
"Just tell me what you want." she says, turning around looking at me with a knowing face.
"Was it THAT obvious?" I respond with a whine.
"Yes." she replies, giggling.
"Can I have your red lipstick?" I ask, giving in.
"Aigoo. Go get it, you dork." she says incredulously.
"Yayy, thank you, Unnieee!" I reply, jumping up out of my seat to head to her room, noticing her shaking her head and smiling as I left.

I run to her room, and run my eyes over her collection of make up before landing on the lipstick I was looking for. I smiled, picked it up, opened it, and put it on. "Done!" I said to myself while rubbing my lips against each other, spreading out the lipstick. I scanned Unnie's countertop again. She has a lot of make up, unlike me. Of course, I'm more beautiful than her. I think vainly, flicking my hair.
Ya! Y/n! Don't think that! She's so nice to you!
I quickly think, scolding myself, and giving myself a light slap.
I walk back into the kitchen to find the food ready. I demolished the delicious food, and reapplied the lipstick. I glance at the clock. "Omg, Unnie, I'm gonna be late!" I exclaim, scrambling out of my seat. "I have to go!"
"Wait, I'll drop you off," Unnie calls.
"Thanks, Unnie." I reply.
We get in the car, and head straight to the company. We arrive, and Unnie stops her car in front of the building. I step out, and then turn to back around to say goodbye to her.
"Okay, Unnie, byee" I say, giving her a little wave.
"Bye, Y/n. And yes... I want you to tell me after work... how handsome the CEO is." Unnie said, with a wink.
"Ya! Unnie!" I exclaim, glaring at her.
"Okay, okay! Don't be rude. B-byee." she replied with a laugh.
"Bye, Unniee." I say, shaking my head with a smile.
I watched as she drove away, and then turned around to get my first good look at the company. What I saw stunned me. It was a big, tall, and beautiful building, with polished windows that were glistening in the sun.
I start to walk toward the entrance. Even though I've gone through many companies, I still get nervous. I was so deep in thought that I was completely unaware of the man I was walking towards. I bumped straight into him, and wobbled before falling down. I groaned, rubbing my head, and looked up at the person I bumped into and... damn. He had to be an angel who fell down to Earth. His boxy smile, big beautiful eyes, and smooth complexion... he looked unreal.
I snapped out of my reverie when he quickly said sorry and just left. "Rude." I mutter under my breath with a pout while gathering up my stuff. I dust off my my things and myself and get up off the floor. I continue my way toward the reception to register my name. The receptionist looked through his computer, found my name, and told me to wait in the waiting room. I took a small bow, head into the room, and take a seat. I take a look around the room and noticed that there were 5 other girls. A few minutes passed and finally it was my turn.
"Cheo y/n." the receptionist called.
My head snapped up at the sound of my name. "Yes?"
"Follow me." the receptionist said after finding me.
I pick up my things, and follow her out of the waiting room. As I followed her deeper into the building, I looked around. There were many corridors and everything was beautiful decorated- not excessively, but the perfect amount.
The receptionist stopped in front of a room and knocked. "Sir, may I come in?" She asks through the door.
"Yes." a voice spoke.
The receptionist reached for the door, opened it, stepped to the side, and held it there for me. I walked in with a final nod at her, and she closed the door behind me. I turned to face the person sitting at the desk and god damn. He- he was... He was just so incredibly beautiful... i can't explain it. His suit fit snuggly around him, perfectly framing his built body and slim waist, his beautiful bright eyes hid behind his glasses, his round yet refined nose, and his oh so pretty and plump lips. I was so busy staring at him in disbelief, I didn't realize that I was drooling.
He rang the small bell sitting on his desk, bringing me back from my world. I meet his eyes and he points at the cushioned chair in front of his desk, gesturing for me to sit.
I sat down in the chair and he started asking questions. To my surprise, I answer them all clearly and correctly.
We finished up the interview, and I was collecting my things, getting to leave when Jimin, yes, Park Jimin, lost hold of the pen he had been flipping in between his fingers as he focused on the files on top of his desk. My automatic reaction was to go and pick it up for him, and suddenly I find his hands over mine, reaching for the pen, and his face inches away. We looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity- and then came a knock at the door. We both snapped out of our reverie, and I jerked my hand away and gather up my things, while he picks up his pen and walks back to his desk.
I leave his office and enter the waiting room and see 3 girls crying. Me, being the sympathetic girl I am, goes up to them to ask them what's wrong.
"Why are you guys crying?" I softly implore.
"Fuck off, why does it matter to you?" one girl snaps.
"When you get rejected, you'll cry too." another girl says.
Then the 3 just got up and left, all still crying.
But I kept sitting there, waiting. I had neither been declined or accepted.
It's been an hour, but there was still hope...
Suddenly, the door burst open.

This is teh edited one
My friend help me as I was new here and my English is not that good
I am very thankful to her

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