part 12

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I wake up next morning .
I did my normal routine get change do my breakfast and left my house I was waiting for cab

When I feel stares .like someone was staring me intensily . I try to search but couldn't find anyone

I was getting nervous until the car arrive I get in and left for my work

I reach the company and paid the cab .I went inside and got greeted my Tae. 

Hey! Y/n how are ?? Tae said

I am fine what about u?? I asked

I am fine  too ...he said .

Okay y/n I have to go I have some big work to do
He said .

And I nodded with that he left I went upstairs and go to my room. I close the door behind and turn back

Where to my astonishment I saw a figure standing Infront of the large window looking down the street his back facing me and hands in pocket

I get close to the figure .
And speak

Umm.... Who are u ??how can I help??

The figure turn back I was scared a bit until I realize it was Jimin . My eyes widen

And I bowed .but i felt warm I feel something slender but strong wrapping around me .

I look up and jimin was hug me I was shock I couldn't move I was just freeze in my position . I was freeze I couldn't think... couldn't say . I can't do anything .

Until jimin spoke .

Are you okay y/n??

He asked

Ummm.... Yes sir I am totally fine ..
I ressured him

And he broke the hug

Y/n don't go alone to such type of places alone in the night it is dangerous for the woman dress like this .

He said pointing at my skirt and my white  t - shirt .
I was shocked and cover Myself
And look at him
Shooting daggers at him

I am sorry but I didn't meant that .
He said with worry

Work well okay
He patted my shoulder and left

I was there left dumbfounded of what just happen before .
I take my seat and shurged of my thought

And start working on my files and charts .
5 hours past the sun was going down the hills giving sky the mixture of yellow, sprankly  red and pink cloud colour spread wide across the sky . It look beautiful with the contrast given to the mountain as the birds flies .

I felt tired so I get up to take some coffee.

I go downstairs getting greeted by some of my colleagues and employs.

And went to the coffee bar . I was making the ice coffee .
While someone tape me I look at the direction and no one was there so I look back when suddenly


I screamed but stop when I see it was jungkook

I was shocked jungkook was my best friend when I studied in Busan. 

We hop on the table near to us and start to have fun and laugh and know each other
He was about handshake when someone grab me and pulled me away .
I look and it was Jimin.

How rude .....

Jungkook get up and bowed

Good morning sir I will do my work right ..

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