A Master Thief

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Gin and Sara stared at each other for what felt like forever, that was until the two heard a slow clapping followed by a low chuckle. Sara and Gin both turned their attention to Dimitri who had taken a seat and looked clearly amused.

Dimitri: Wow the boy is smarter than I gave him credit for. So tell me kid how'd you manage to figure out it was her?

Gin broke eye contact with his friend only to glare at Dimitri defiantly, Sara stayed silent.

Dimitri: Well go on, I won't bite.

Taking a knife from his jacket and stabbing it into the table. Dimitri gave Gin a malicious smile.

Dimitri: unless you give me reason to.


Realizing just threatening words wouldn't get anywhere, Dimitri decided to see how long the boy's bravado would hold out, but as if reading his mind Sara had already placed her claws at the base of Dimitri's throat.

Sara: *menacingly* Don't even think about it.

Dimitri: *Hands raised* Now now I was only joking, no need to get so catty.

Gin: It was at the party.

Sara stays stoned faced while Dimitri continues to smile in amusement.

Gin: I couldn't figure out what you'd want from a fundraiser that's when it hit me, the fundraiser wasn't your target it was the Atlas Military weapons depot not far from the venue. Which coincidentally happens to be where I lost track of Sara's scroll signal. But there's no way you'd be able to steal much with the amount of people that you used even with Sara's help.

The smile on Dimitri's face widens, to the point where even his teeth started to show, leaning back in his chair he lets out a harty laugh.

Dimitri: Brilliant, and all that from the comfort of your bedroom, you could give a certain doctor I know a run for his money. That being said why don't you join up with me? I could really use your kind of talent.

Gin: You're out of your mind if you think that'll happen, I don't care what you do to me I'll never help you.

Dimitri: (smirks) I believe you but see I don't have to do anything to you specifically to get the results I want.

The brave expression on Gin's face starts to crumble fearing the worse, Sara then steps in front of Gin, blocking Dimitri's view and gives him a challenging look.

Sara: (glaring) Thats enough, I'm sure you have more important things to be doing than intimidating him.

Raising his hands in mock surrender Dimitri turns away and head towards the exit.

Dimitri: Fine fine I am a man of my word after all, besides I still have preparations to make for the festival.

Gin: Whatever you have plan the military or Y/n will stop you!

Dimitri:*chuckles* I definitely expect them to try. *leaves room*

King Crimson!!! (Timeskip)

The following day you found yourself in inside the club stuck with a pile of paperwork piled in front of you. With all the side work you've been juggling, all the club work was getting backed up, employees needed their pay, new renovations needed to be made and drink shipments need to be processed.

You: *groans* Gods, where's Gin when I need him?

Kuzan: Hey there boss having fun?

You: *glares* Does it look like I'm having fun? Have you heard anything from Sara or Gin? I keep calling them but I got no answers.

The Cat and the Schnee (Winter Schnee x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now