Chapter 8

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I head back to KQ Entertainment. I think I might have just hooked up my high school best friend with one of my current best friends. This is the best day ever. If things work out between them, then that will be amazing. I will become the cupid for all the boys. That should be so much fun. I hope Seonghwa and Angeline work out. I know Seonghwa usually leans more towards Koreans, and not many foreigners, but I hope Angeline can open his eyes. Foreigners can be a lot of fun too. I went back and hung out with Hongjoong and Jongho.
“I heard that you went out and found Seonghwa a lover.” Hongjoong said.
“Yep, has he already told you how it’s going?” I asked.
“Mhm, he said that his blind date is really pretty.” Hongjoong said.
“Aww, she’s actually my friend from high school.” I said.
“That’s so sweet.” Hongjoong said.
“Yeah. How about you? Do you want me to help you out?” I asked, winking.
“Oh, no, no, no. I can find myself a girl.” Hongjoong said.
“Are you more interested in foreigners or Koreans?” I asked.
“I love anyone. No matter the race.” Hongjoong said.
“Aww, so sweet.” I said, “If you ever change your mind, I’ve got you bro.”
“Got it, hahaha.” Hongjoong said, giggling.

Then, after chatting with Hongjoong, I then chatted with Jongho. He was expressing how lonely he was feeling without the 99-line here. After I had gotten over the loneliness, it was bound to happen to the other members here.I tried to comfort Jongho as best I could. I tried to distract him by doing choreography with him. I had him break a couple apples in half, but nothing made him feel better. Finally, after all that had failed, I called San, Mingi, and Wooyoung. He was missing them the most. I hoped that they would pick up so Jongho could just quickly check in. That evening, San finally picked up. I explained to him that their precious maknae, Jongho, is missing the 99-line. San nodded his head, then I handed my phone to Jongho. They started talking, and that’s all that Jongho wanted. His expression quickly changed, and he was instantly happier. That makes me happy. After talking with San for about 30 minutes, San hands his phone over to Wooyoung so they could talk. Soon, Jongho got over the fact that the 99-line has to serve their mandatory service, realizing they only have 11 months left. It can’t be that bad.

*11 Months Later*
Months go by, and after waiting for what felt like 10 years, today, the 99-line comes home. Seonghwa updated me that he is now dating Angeline long distance, and it’s hard on him, but I know they can make it work. I was just sitting in my dorm room, taking some notes on my Japanese class. My other language minors are Japanese and German, because I wanted to continue working on those after high school. I had gotten so emerged in my class, that I didn’t even notice that someone was knocking at my door. I take out my headphones, hearing the knocking after about five minutes. I get up from my desk and open the door. Standing there, in full military uniform, is San. Wow, he looks more muscular than ever before, and he feels more manly. We say nothing, instead, we smile then kiss for the first time in two years. I let him into our dorm, leading him to the couch. All I wanted was to hold him, and I was deprived of his touch, so I really wanted him. We start making out, then after getting that out of the way, San started asking about how I spent my time. I told San that I helped Seonghwa get a girlfriend. I told him about all the fun things I did, how much I cried because he wasn’t here with me. Now that he’s finally back, this evening, he suggested this,
“Now that I’m back from the military, let’s have a family.” He said, winking.
“I would love to.” I said.
“Great, c’mon. Let’s go right now.” San said, excited to begin.
“Okay, okay. Easy there, tiger.” I said.

San carries me to the bedroom. He has definitely gained some strength since joining the military. Wow, he is way stronger than before. He lays me down on the bed gently, taking off his clothes. This is the first time we will be actively trying for a baby, so we’ll have to see where this goes. Not all couples get in on their first try, but San is still in his prime. He’s 28 now, and I am still 24, so we’re young, and have loads of stamina. We make love for about an hour before falling asleep after finishing. I will have to see if all of San’s efforts will be awarded tomorrow morning. I can’t wait to see if I have become pregnant. It’s only the first night, and it may take months before I get pregnant, or it might just take tonight.

That next morning, I wasn’t feeling well. I knew what San had done last night. I ran to the bathroom, having to throw up. San quickly gets up from the bed, puts on his joggers, then goes to check on me.
“Hey, you okay?” San asked.
“Argh, I don’t feel well. San, I think you’ve done it.” I said.
“Done. . . What?” San asked.
“You know what. Run down to the grocery store and get me a pregnancy test.” I said.
“Oh, ai-shi. Okay, be right back. Just, get it all out of your system.” San said.
“Will do.” I said, as I continued throwing up.
San comes back from the store, having picked up the good pregnancy tests. He slides one underneath the door and I take the test. About thirty minutes later, I got my results. . . Turns out, I am pregnant. I scream once seeing the faint second line.
“San!” I exclaimed.
“Yes, what, what, what?” San asked. He opens the door. I have collapsed onto the bathroom floor, crying, “Baby.” San said, squatting down.
“It’s positive.” I sobbed.
“Really, oh my God.” San said, hugging me tight.
“I don’t know what to do.” I said, wiping my tears away.
“We raise our child.” San said.
“Okay.” I said, sniffling.
“You’ve got this, baby. Hwaiting!” San exclaimed.

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