Chapter 4

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Y/n- thank you Mattia. I think I have to go but thanks for inviting me *smiles*
Mattia- anytime babygirl. Text me if you need anything okay.
Y/n- I will.
(You both hug each other. The hug lasted for a good minute. You felt safe with Mattia. It's like no one could hurt you).
Y/n pov:
Holy shit. What just happened. I almost had it with mattia. I'm happy that he respects me though.
End of pov.
Mattia's pov:
That girl really is beautiful. I will make her mine I just need to find the right time to. Let's hope it will go well.
(Y/n gets ready to go to bed sense you have school tomorrow. You took and shower put on a big hoodie and shorts. You lay in bed and only think about mattia)


Y/n- UGH SHUT UP! *tuns off alarm* well I mean it is Friday and after that I have two days off. Let's hope today goes good.
(You go to the bathroom brush your teeth and put on a little bit of makeup. All you put on is concealer and mascara. You put on your outfit and you put this on:

You strained your hair and got up and walked to school

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You strained your hair and got up and walked to school. You only live like 10 minutes away.)
At school:
You started walking to your first period which was math. You found math as simple. It wasn't hard for you at all. You got to your class and saw the one and only Mattia Polibio. He waved at you and singled you to sit next to him. You did and you both started talking.
Mattia- yo what's up y/n?
Y/n- hi Mattia *smiles*
His friends were there as well.
Kairi- yo y/n you look cute I like that fit.
Y/n- thank you Kairi.
Alejandro- you do be lookin fine doe.
Y/n- thank you ale *laughs*
Mattia- so y/n what do you plan on doing this week?
Y/n- ummm probably some homework and then chill on my bed the whole day *laughs*
Kairi- damn that's all you do?
Y/n- yeah my life's pretty basic *laughs*
Mattia- well I'm throwing a party at my house tomorrow night. Maybe you should come *smirks*
Y/n- I don't know I'm not really a party person.
Mattia- come on please it'll be so much fun!
Y/n- I'll think about it.
Mattia- okay text me when you've made up your mind.
Y/n- I will Mattia.
Skip a little because I'm bad at writing about being in school.
It's lunch time and you didn't get anything to eat because you weren't hungry. You went to your locker to go grab a book to read. When you got to your locker you opened it and someone closed it. You look to see who it is. It was Mattia.
Y/n- yes Mattia?
Mattia- why aren't you at lunch?
Y/n- because I'm not hungry I just came here to get my book.
Mattia- you have to eat something
Y/n- I don't like lunch food I'll eat when I get home *chuckles*
Mattia- okay fine *laughs*
You both look into each others eyes and stare at each other for a few seconds.
Y/n- what are you staring at?
Mattia- a very very beautiful girl named y/n.
You blush a little
Mattia- blushing once again huh?
Y/n- hey I'm not blushing
Mattia- whatever you say babygirl.
You both talk for a little more when all of a sudden Mattia grabs you by your waist and pulls you close towards him. You both are face to face and he slowly starts to lean in and so do you. He kisses you and you kiss him back of course. His right hand starts to go up to your neck while his left hand if still holding your waist. He pins you to the locker without breaking the kiss. You put your hands on his chest. After 3 minutes you both break the kiss and look at each other.
Y/n- we really just did that in the hallways *laughs*
Mattia- we sure did I wish I got more *smirks*
Y/n- you wish Polibio.
You get him off you and you walk to your last period.
Mattia- ITLL HAPPEN I KNOW IT WILL *he yells*
You walk into your last period and see Mattia again because he's in all of your classes.
Mattia- come sit here y/n
You do as he says
Y/n- yes Mattia?
Mattia- you cant just leave me like that you know it *he whispers*
Y/n- mhmm
Mattia- I'm serious I'll do something you'll want most *smirks*
Y/n in her head
Not gonna like that was kinda hot and made me wet what the hell. Do I like Mattia?

Haha sorry I don't know what else to write I promise the next chapter will be better :)

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