One Drive , One Day

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Alice's POV

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!" the backseat of the car screamed out. Kate, Rebekah, and Sam couldn't contain their excitement. They were gonna scare the CRAP out of the boys when they got there! OF COURSE I would just have to walk in the room and BAM! Liam's mine. Now that Danielle's out of the way. Although, i liked her... Oh well. Bekah and Sam are happy too that Zayn and Harry broke up with their girlfriends.

"HEY! SHUTUP PUNKS! I am TRYING to figure out this STUPID MAP! "

"Whateverrr!" Bekah yelled out. "This is seriously going to be the BEST concert EVER!"

"I know!" Sheckles yelled VERY LOUD right by my ear.. somebody OBVIOUSLY has a death wish. "Bekah i can't believe the ICONic Boyz teamed up with One D and now they are actually on tour together!"

"What I can't believe, is how you got us all a ticket and a backstage pass!" Sami shrieked. Yep. They're not gonna make it all the way there unharmed.

"Yeah, you Mexican! How'd you get them?! Did you rob another bank!?" I smirked at her and Bekah shot me daggers. Eh, she'll get over it. Were always racist to eachother. It's as essential as breathing to us.

Bekah was sitting behind the drivers seat in the back of the car. She reached over and flung her purse straight at my head.


"Too bad ASIAN!" See? Told you. " And no I didnt rob ANYONE! Don't thank me for the tickets, my parents bought them for us! It was their graduation present to me." We all smiled, it felt great to know we had our diplomas and could go off and make something out of lives now.

"Wow, they musta been just as surprised as we were. Their little mexican graduated!" I laughed.

"Shutup you dumb asian. " Bekah growled. Oh well. Haha, I just remembered, she hasnt realized it yet!

"Hey , Bekah." Sam spoke up. "What happens if you meet Zayn and Madiso---"


"Right, When you meet Zayn and Madison. You do realize... you can't have them BOTH." HAHA! YES! Go Sam!

"Well... uhm.. maybe I can!" She looked happy. Oh ... Bekah.

"HAHAHA YOU culdnt even get ONE!" I laughed so hard

"YeH huh!" yelled a naive little bekah. I laughed so hard i started to tear up and was doubled over in my seat. To any one else it probably looked like i was hsving a seizure.

Kates POV

My god is Alice DYING? Eh oh well she had a good run. I saw the perfect opportunity here to make some cash here and probably saved Alices life snapping everyones attention away from her.

"So you wanna bet on it?"

"Huh?" Bekah was confused.. like always.

"You. If you can get either Madison OR Zayn to fall for you then ... I'll pay your first month of your new apartment for you." Everyine looked shocked. Every eye on me. What did i do?

"And if i dont?" Bekah looked smug. Like she was thinking Who Wouldnt fall for me?

"You pay me 500$ cash." she thought about it for a minute.

"Its a deal. But hey, why let me have all the fun? You try to get your little Nialler to fall for you too. If he does ill give you your first month room and board. If not. CHA CHING! "

"Fine. Anyone else care to join? theres still some of the band members left?" Sami slowly raised her hand . Alice did too .

"I could always use the money. You never know when my parents will just quit paying for school . One B and im toast! And trust me if they stop? Student loans till i DIE." It was true. No matter which school Alice decided to go to , all of them were way too expensive to pay for alone. Her parents were a bit uhhh.. strict when it came to schooling. Asians.

"Yeah and i mean, I could use the money to buy enough Harry posters to wallpaper my dorm room! ...... Actually if i win I could just decorate my room with him!" Sami said with a wink. What did we ever do to corrupt that child!?


"Poor Harry!" Alice laughed.

"That's hot." Added Bekah. Ohhh Bekah.

"Its a bet then! I cant wait to go backstage and see them!" Seriously. I could not wait. And where the fuck did Alice put my chips?!?

Bekah started to look around nervously. Whats up with her? "Do you have to like.. pee? Cuz uhm.. theres a cornfield we can pull over to and .."

"Nooooo! Its just uhm... please dont kill me." Kill her? How could she be threatened in a car full of us wonderful people?!? ... Oh ... yeah.

"Ooh what did you DO!" Sami cried out.

"Well... i DID get us tickets and backstage passes..."

"Not seeing the problem here!" Alice said sarcastically.

"Shush!" I said to her.

"Anyways. There is two parts to backstage... Stage left and stage right. Our tickets are for stage left. Where the ICONs are. We uhm.. We might not get to meet one direction." WAIT. EXCUSEEEE MY EARS!? Did i hear that right? BITCH SWERVE. Everyone sat there silently murdering her in their heads. BITCH! This is about to get physical. I dove right for her , across Sami's lap.


Sam's POV

I thought she was going to kill her! But at the moment i was more worried about myself. "GET....OFF...OF ME!"I managed to gasp out. Kates seatbelt had only allowed her to flop over across my lap and barely reach Bekah. She was screaming and punching her leg repeatedly .

"You stupid Bitch! How could you be so selfish! While sitting there talking to some gay Sixteen year old boys my Niall, MY NIALLER! Could be in the arms of some other girl, some valley town SKANK!" Kate was fuming.It was extremely scary and i didnt know what to do so i just started screaming.

"SHUTUP! I cant read this map!" Alice screamed at us all. Soon enough all four of us were going at it and the car was probably louder than the concert would ever get. Suddenly the car swerved to the side of the road and jerked to a stop. Everyone flew towards the front of the car.

"STOP IT! STOP IT NOW! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!? I WILL TURN THIS CAR AROUND AND TAKE YOU ALL HOME IF YOU DONT SHUTUP AND ACT CIVILIZED FOR THE REST OF THE CAR RIDE!" Everyone froze staring. None of us had a car big enough or good enough to get us from Dubuque all the way to Chicago so we called up our favorite Korean to drive us. Haemin was now sitting there., red faced and madder than i thought humanly possible. She never got mad! This was like seeing Elmo run into the streets and murder an old lady. Yep nightmares for weeks. "Hey! DID ANY OF YOU HEAR ME?!" She snapped us all back.

" Yes Ma'm!" Bekah joked. Haemin didnt laugh but Kate snickered. Everyone was in their seats now.

" Good." Haemin said. "Because i am dead serious. The only reason I agreed to this is because I wanted to see just how good ICONic Boyz really are. Dont think I care whether you get to hear One Erection perform!" Again we were met by silence until everyone burst into laughter. ONE ERECTION!! With that Haemin pulled back out onto the freeway and continued on towards Chicago.

I glanced down at my arm , it felt like it was throbbing! There were bite marks and it was all red. " Kathryn Sheckles! Did you bite my arm?!?"

" I may have...nibbled."


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