Chpt 3

45 3 2

Bekahs POV

"Oh. My. Fup. That was seriously the best thing that I have ever seen!" I Squealed to the others. The concert had just ended and it all was amazing! The lights had gone down and I was sucked into the music and the dancing. All of  the guys were amazing tonight, and I think that Madison looked right at me! HA! Guess whose getting a free first month in a new apartment?? THIS GIRL! 

"And now!" Haemin began to say, smiling so wide her eyes disappeared.. just kidding. "We can go to the hotel!" 

"Uhm, NO!" I yelled back at her trying to be heard over the noise of people leaving the arena. "We still have five backstage passes with our names on them! Literally!" I gestured to the passes hanging around our necks. 

"Oh." She said emotionless. "Right." We started towards the area where security was checking the passes  and guiding everyone backstage. There was only a handful of people who had been able to buy backstage passes, so it didnt take long until we were being escorted by a security guard back down one of the hallways Paul had led us through. We stopped at a door that read "ICON break room" and were told that we were the only ones who had bought passes to see the Boyz. The scruffy security guard whose name tag said, James, told us that they would be here as soon as they changed out of their outfits from that night and into something more comfortable. We walked in the door and sat down on on of the two couches in the room and James left.

"This place is disgusting." Alice said as she crinkled up her nose. It was sort of true. There were pizza boxes lying everywhere and empty pop cans strewn across the floor, and the smell was equal to that of outside. BUT, it was still the place where Madison, MY Madison hung out before and after shows. "Though I have to admit they aren't too bad of dancers."

"I agree with Alice actually!" Haemin said. " The dancing was pretty good! Better than i thought it would be. It ALMOST made this trip worth it. But i mean.. seriously. Dont Americans know what a trash can is? Or even like Febreeze? " 

"Even YOUR room isn't this messy!" Sami said to me. I stuck my tongue out at her. 

"Yeah, I know. Thats only cuz I dont eat this much pizza." We all laughed. That statement was sadly true. 

"Well I think that these boys just know a good time! " Kate said, bouncing from one couch to the next. 

"Hey, chill out Sheckles! You're gonna get us into trouble and we haven't even met them yet! " Alice narrowed her eyes at the jumping girl. She tried to look angry but started to laugh at the sight of her. 

"Actually, it's okay. We do that a lot too." A voice came from the doorway. We all turned our heads to look and there stood Mikey Fusco. Behind him was Thomas Miceli, Nick Mara, Vinny Castronovo, and Jason Smith. Five of the six ICONic Boyz that were on tour with One Direction. 

"Really?!" Kate laughed excitedly. "You guys are much awesomer than Bekah ever described. You know, one of the million times she talked about you." I started blushing furiously.

He laughed and shook his head. "So I'm guessing that you're 'Bekah' then?" He nodded his head over towards me. 

"Ummhm." I couldn't speak for a moment, then of course i blurted out, "Where is Madison!?" My eyes opened wide and i clamped my hand over my mouth. Everyone else burst into laughter. "S-sorry! I mean, I'm really excited to see you guys too and ---" 

"And she basically has been in love with Madison since we were in sixth grade." Sami laughed. "So this is the moment she has been waiting for her whole life and well.. sorry boys but you are a disappointment to her." She winked at them. Since when was she such a flirty person?! 

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