Chpt 6

46 1 1

Zayn's POV

It was about three o'clock in the morning when we got out of the dinner. The girls were going to catch a cab to the hotel, but then Harry invited Sam to go with him back to the studio. She agreed because her jacket and the other girls clothes were there. Lou decided to go with them too, and they all left in the car we took here. Kate and Niall, well nobody knows where they had headed off to. They just sort of disappeared. Crazy kids. That left Alice, Liam, Rebekah, and Myself. Alice said she was tired after the events of this past night and decided she wanted to go to the hotel. Liam caught a cab and took her there. Bekah said she was going to walk back to the hotel and started to leave.

"Wait! Rebekah! Hold on!" I ran to catch up with her at the door. "Let me walk you back to the hotel." She turned around and looked surprised.

"Uhm.. well, its okay really Zayn." She said quietly. She seemed like a really shy girl but at other times she was full of energy and extremely talkative. I think i like her because she reminds me of a version of myself. Only prettier.

"No, really I insist." I walked out the door and closed it behind it as if to make my point clear. "Shall we?" I didnt let her answer and began walking down the side walk, but she didnt follow. I heard her giggle from behind me. "Aren't you coming?"

"Well, I'm not going to follow you!" She smiled and laughed again. "The hotel is the other way genius." Oh.

"Oh, aren't we the smart one?" I gave her a look and pretended to pout. "Well then i guess ill just follow you."

"Thats probably a good idea." Bekah answered with a smirk. "Though thats about all i know is that it is in that," She motioned to the right with her arms, "general direction."

"Well," I began to smirk. "looks like we're not so smart after all, are we?" She looked me up and down and then started to walk down the sidewalk in the correct direction.

"You said it, not me." She laughed and flipped her hair over her shoulder. Her hair is so beautiful. Long, brown curly hair. It was perfect. SHE was perfect. Oh god Zayn... keep it together.

"So Rebekah, what do you want to talk about?" I asked her casually. Its not like i could just come right out and go, oh hey, i know ive only known you for ten hours but i think i want t go out with you!

"Why do you keep calling me that? Its unnatural." Rebekah answered.

"Calling you what? I said Rebekah."

"Yes, thats exactly my point! Unless you're an adult or extremely boring you dont call me Rebekah. It's just.. not done." Wow... apparently i missed the memo. But its good to know now. I wonder what else i dont know about her!

"Well, I'm sorry, what should it be then? Bekah, right?"

"Right." She smiled a perfect smile at me. She has really small teeth! They were so cute.

"So Bekah, please. Tell me a little more about yourself." I gave her the best, I-swear-Im-innocent smile i could muster up, and she nodded her head.

"Well.. I have three brothers and one sister. My favorite color is green, though i think its really ugly.. Uhmmm..." ....

Rebekah's POV

It ended up taking us an hour to get to the hotel. It really should've only take twenty minutes but we were so lost in conversation we took a few wrong turns. When we were just a few feet away from the hotel doors i shivered.

"Are you cold Bekah?" Zayn asked me. "Here, take my jacket." He started to take off his blue letterman jacket that he had been wearing that night.

"No, really we are literally feet away from warm air." I laughed at his chivalry.

One Drive , One DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon