Chpt 5

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Sams POV

Louis was so much funnier in person! I cannot believe I lost our bet though. Lou whispered to me in the car that he bet Liam would hold Alice's hand before the night was over, but i told him there was no way Alice woul let him! She wont even hug her parents! If I lost i had to kiss his cheek, and guess what happens before we even get inside? Yep, Liam grabs ahold of her hand and she LET HIM. I didnt really care much though that I had lost, so i leaned in to kiss his cheek. At the last second though Louis turned and i kissed him on the mouth! What if Harry had seen? Oh well Im sure he knows his friend better than that! Though, lou has really soft lips... Wait! What am i thinking!? Helloooo, I like HAZ!!? Dont I..?

"Samantha, what would you like to drink?" Harry asked me from across the table. He was sitting next with his mother Ann on his left and Liam on his right. He seemed to be staring right into my soul with his piercing green eyes. So gorgeous, but you know...Louis isnt bad looking either. His brown eyes could easily have the same effect and... "Samantha??"

"Uhhh..." I found myself looking back and forth between Harry and Lou, unsure of how i felt. "I'll... Uhh... I.."

"She just wants some water." Bekah answered for me. She was sitting on my right side, thankfully. I wasnt sure what was going through my head. She flashed me a look that said, What are you doing stupid? I glanced over across the table at Alice. She was giving me an ice cold stare. What did i do to her?

"Yeah, make sure its ice cold. Some people just like things cold. Like their hearts." Alice said while glaring at me. What the heck?! This was starting to get on my nerves and make me even more confused than i already was. Everyone was just sitting there looking at Alice. "What, arent you punks gonna order?"

That snapped everyone back into reality. The boys ordered for us and then attention turned from me to Anne. She was doing the usual mother thing, how are you boys, what has been going on, im sorry you broke up with your girlfriends. Blah blah. I mean, of course i like Ann but all of this was beginning to bore me. I zoned out, thinking about the past few years and our obessesion with these boys. I thought back to a specific night. My fifteenth birthday party.

"OHMIGOSH BEKAH YOU BROUGHT IT I LOVE YOU!" I screamed as the last of my friends had arrived. She had brought the new Take Me Home album she had gotten the day it came out. It was no fair! Her dad was so awesome he went out in the middle of the school day before any other girls had the chance to and bought it for her. I asked her to bring it so i could upload it onto my Ipod. And so we could all listen to it of course! "Here, gimme!" I grabbed it out of her hand and shoved it into my computer. Yay!

"Sam... you know its not even your birthday yet right?" Bekah said dumbly.

"Ohhh... really?! I had NO idea." I said to her sarcastically. "Its not like i could have a party on Tuesday anyways!" I watched her face twist int confusion as she thought about this. It was funny to see how hard she had to think about the simplest things.

For awhile that night, i guess all we really did was talk about One Direction, listen to One Direction, and dance horribly to apple bottom jeans. Haha, it ended up being a great night though. We went down to my basement for awhile and talked to some other people online in a one direction chat. Bekah kept making fun of this one girl and it was SO funny. I mean.. its not like we were REALLY being mean.. not really. Alice and Bekah took turns pretending to be me, or i guess Harry really. It was all so much fun. Oh, the memories. I snapped back into reality when I overheard my name.

"Yeah mum, Samantha and all of her friends sort of ran into some trouble tonight, so Paul rescued them and we now get to spend the rest of this evening with these lovely ladies." Harry said to his mother, gesturing to all of us. "Isn't it great? Arent they great?"

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