Chpt 2

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 Haemins POV 

"Is this it?" I called out to the crazed girls. I loved those people but... i hope i have a chance to get some earplugs before the concert. my question was answered by the eruption of screams from the car.

"WE LOVE YOU HAEMIN!!" Kate screamed out. Right in my ear. I cant wait to get out of this car.

"Yeah yeah i know. Now get OUT!" Everyone tumbled out of my car onto the bright, warm sunshiny... uh.. parking ramp.

"Ground! Sweet sweet ground!" Sam jumped out and kneeled on the ground , pretending to kiss it. Ew.

"Get up Spami!" Bekah hissed. Other people walking by with One Direction shirts and ICONic Boyz shoes, and Bekah was getting embarrassed. I have to admit, I was enjoying the scene. "NOW!" She yanked Sam up by her blazer.

"HEY! Watch it!" She yelled at Bekah. "This is my Harry blazer! I hope he wears his too tonight, then we will match and he will know its destiny! And then he will tell me I'm the prettiest coolest girl EVER."

"Or the weirdest! " What? Id freak out if someone was dressed just like me, not take them on a date!

"Shut up." Geez.... we all know whose time of the month it is.

"Lets go guys, we have to find the arena. The VIP seating starts in ...2 hours! Hurry!" Alice got everyone moving with this new wave of information and off we went!

Alices POV

We started walking down and out of the parking ramp and out onto the streets of the good old Windy City. Gross. The wind smells like hobos.

"GUYS!" Kate whined. "I'm hungry!" Where does that girl PUT IT?!?

"Sheckles! Just eat your chips! Here i took them earlier and put them in my...Kate! The chips aren't in my bag! What happened!"

"I may have found them..." She trailed off. What were we going to do with her!?

"Suck it up then! We don't have time to stop for food!" I turned to see her two ice cold blue/grey eyes staring back at me.

"What? What did you just say." she said in a hushed tone.

Before i could say anything else Haemin whipped out a plastic baggy full of Trix cereal. I don't know why but she ALWAYS seems to have Trix or minty animal crackers. "Here Kate." she said with a roll of her eyes. "Hope that can last the next five hours!" 

It was already gone before she could finish her sentence. Everyone stared at her mouths open.

"What?" she said innocently. "I was hungry!" We kept walking down the street. After what seemed like hours due to Kate's cries of hunger, Bekah complaining the wind was messing up her hair, and that HORRIBLE smell, we rounded the corner and saw our destination.

"LOOK!!!" i screamed out. We all shrieked (except Haemin) and ran towards the long line of people to begin our wait. I hope its not going to be long... Im NOT a people person.

Forty five minutes later I was ready to cry. Until they made the announcemt "Anyone who purchased the VIP package may now enter the building and wait inside to be seated." YES! We started to shuffle towards the door, until we realized Kate and Bekah were missing. This must be some sick kind of joke, we finally can go in and of all of us THOSE TWO wander off. Great.

"BEKAH! SHECKLES! WHERE ARE YOU PUNKS!" I yelled and everyone turned to look at me. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" That got most of them to turn away. Fools.

"Where'd they go!?" Sam freaked out. "We have to go in NOW!"

"NO????? I thought we would just roll out the red carpet and watch everyone else walk in." I said sarcastically. They didnt say anything. Pft, horrible senses of humor. "C'mon lets go look for them!"

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