Chapter 1

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Laxus freaked out when he saw us, of course.

It was justified though, we were all still wearing the clothes that we had had on in Fairy Tail, and Juvia looked like she had been mauled by a bear.

"It's all right, Laxus," Erza said, hands out in a placating manner as he rushed toward us. His face was white.

"It's not as bad as it looks." Juvia said, taking a tentative step forward. "Juvia's fine, Laxus. Really."

His eyes remained on the wound for a moment before slowly moving to her entire attire, then to Levy's, Lucy's, and finally Erza's armor. "Where did you get those clothes? And what the fuck are you all doing in here?! I expect this kind of thing out of myself but not from you three."

"We can explain." Levy tried, but Laxus merely shot her an incredulous There's-No-Explanation-for-Trespassing kind of wild fury look.

"Hear us out, Laxus." Erza reasoned.

Laxus hesitated, but crossed his arms nonetheless. "Start talking."

Of the three of them, Laxus was more likely to hear out Erza since he respected her the most.

And she told him everything, how we'd put our hands on the prints in the tomb—prints that seemed to be our own, they matched so closely—and how it had taken us back in time, to a different dimension.

Laxus's eyes got bigger and bigger, his expression telling us that he thought we'd all gone crazy. "Did you hit your head?" he asked, eyeing each of us and scanning our heads for blood.

"No, Laxus," Lucy said, stomping her foot in irritation. "Listen to me. I know it sounds crazy, but you have to believe us! Look at what I'm wearing! What we're all wearing! Where in this entire country would Erza have been able to smuggle an entire plate of armor?"

To his credit, Laxus seemed to be giving our story half a chance, but they could see his eyes that he thought it was like a fable that had to have some sort of real basis, a foundation that would make it all make sense.

"Laxus, there are two castles within two miles of this site. The one we pass every day, on our way in here, and the one over the hill, past the tombs."Levy tried reasoning. "We've been in both. But they were whole—full-on homes for people. Lots of people. One was inhabited by a man who fought for Phantom Lord; the other by a family who was loyal to Fairy Tail."

Laxus stared at them in complete shock, his jaw moving like he wanted to say something but no words would come out. He looked half ready to yell out for security.

Panicking, Juvia lifted the edge of her shirt and showed him her wound which was now nothing but a white scar on her skin. "Look, Laxus. Check out the length of it. See how it looks old? Like Juvia got it many years ago, right?"

He blinked rapidly, as if he was seeing things. Trying to make sense of it all.

Juvia dropped her shirt and gestured to the bloodstain, directly over her scar. "It's bloody because Juvia was bleeding like crazy, just a half hour ago. Juvia got the wound in that castle," She said, gesturing in the direction of the Phantom Lord ruins, "There's something about the tomb, coming through time, that heals. It healed Juvia. How else could Juvia have gotten that scar? Without you knowing about it?"

"It- it makes no sense." He breathed, his eyes flitted between us and then down at his hands, back and forth, still trying to puzzle it through.

If only Mavis were here...

She had always been more impulsive, she followed her heart. She always managed to get Laxus to let loose because Laxus liked to consult his brain first, and there was no way that our story was going to be figured out logically. No way.

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