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"I now pronounce you husband and husband," the preacher said. The seven words were practically magical, as they made a relationship as real as it could possibly be.

Zayn leaned in, kissing Niall passionately. I stood a few feet away from them, in front of a small crowd of people that were now clapping furiously. I was too focused on the ceremony and being Niall's best man to pay much attention to the room full of people. My eyes scanned the room, looking for a pair of piercing emerald eyes. As soon as I found her, she smiled sweetly at me, causing my heart to melt.

Our eye contact was interrupted by Niall pulling me into a bear hug. I reciprocated, bringing him even closer. "Congratulations, Niall. That was beautiful."

He grinned, tears brimming in his eyes. "Thanks, Camila. I know we haven't been friends for that long, but you're super important to me." He explained, patting me on the shoulder. "You're a great best man, even with your eye all swollen like that."

I brought Niall in for one last hug before sending him off to talk with his family. I turned around, planning to talk to Zayn, but realized he wasn't around. There was no doubt in my mind that he was outside smoking, and I made a mental note to congratulate him on the wedding and discuss his crippling nicotine habit as soon as possible.

Everyone was scattered throughout the traditional church, talking amongst one another and exciting the building to head over to the beach, where the reception would be held. Once again, I searched for someone in particular, and found her leaning against the wall, lazily paying attention to what was happening before her.

Lauren looked stunning, to say the absolute least. She was wearing a tight black dress with obviously expensive heels. Her dark hair was pushed back, and messy in an appealing way. She tried her best to cover up the bruises that covered her neck, but throughout the day the makeup had rubbed off, and they were becoming more and more visible. Knowing it was me who left the marks on her skin made them all the more sexy.

The closer I studied her outfit, the more self conscious I became about my own. I was wearing grey pants and a black sweater, with a clean pair of dress shoes covering my feet. The outfit seemed great earlier, as it was comfortably classy and matched Niall's, but now, I wasn't so sure.

Lauren noticed me gawking at her and flashed a warm smile before strutting over to me. Her arm wrapped instinctively around my waist, which made me unbearably warm inside.

"These people are so fucking annoying." Lauren told me, sighing dramatically.

I giggled and nudged her in the side. "Greg is really cool." I replied, referring to Niall's brother whom I'd hung out with for most of the day. "Other than that, though, I agree."

We watched the crowd of people disperse until it was just us, along with Zayn's mother and cousin in the room. They were the only members of his family that attended the wedding, which was upsetting for everyone that noticed.

"Do you want to blow off the reception and go out to dinner instead?" Lauren asked, causing me to roll my eyes playfully. I pulled out of her grasp and began walking confidently towards the exit. "Just a suggestion," Lauren added once we were next to each other again. Our hands accidentally brushed, the touch setting my skin on fire.

"So, are you gonna drink tonight?" I asked in an attempt to take my mind off of the ever growing sexual frustration between us.

Lauren shrugged. "I don't know, but probably. Are you?"

I also shrugged, trying to keep my pace slow as we walked down the sidewalk so that she could keep up. "I hope so."


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