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I'd slept around six hours collectively over the past week. Working two jobs, constantly working on my screenplay, an unofficial relationship, and stress within my group of friends had put sleep on the back burner. I could barely stay awake as I sat in Louis's kitchen, listening to him complain about Liam and the mysterious man that he'd been left for.

"I don't fucking get it, man." Louis groaned, toying with the coffee cup in front of him. If he didn't stop playing with it soon, I was going to throw it against the wall. I was trying to be an empathetic friend, and empathetic friends didn't point out nervous twitches, but I'd be damned if I didn't think about it. "Why did Liam leave? What does that guy have that I don't?"

I shrugged. "No idea. You're a catch." I told him as seriously as I could. We'd men having the same conversation since I got here, and I didn't know what to tell him at this point. My phone began vibrating in my pocket, but I ignored it.

Louis finally took a sip of his coffee, even though it was surely cold by now. "I think I'd feel better if I knew who it was, you know? I hate Liam for putting me through this, but if I know he downgraded, I'd feel better. I'm hot right?"

"For a skinny white dude, yeah. You're hot as fuck." I entertained him.

He flashed a small smile. "Do you think Liam's new man is hot? Damn, I just wish I knew who it was."

I was about to tell Louis the truth when my phone vibrated again. I pulled it out, only to be greeted by a familiar number. "Hey, Louis, I really need to take this. I'll be right back, okay?" I asked him. Louis nodded and I walked out of his house quickly, answering the phone.


Hey, Sofi. What's up? How are you?

I'm good... I guess. How are you?

I'm great, thanks. So, what's up? You haven't called in a while. Is everything okay?

Not at all.

My heart dropped. Even though I hadn't talked to my sister in a while, I still cared about her deeply. Our relationship suffered immensely because of our mother, which was unfortunate.

What's going on?

It's... mom.

What about mom?

She's really sick this time, Camila.


You need to come home, Camila. I know that things between you guys are bad, but you just need to.

I can come over later this week.

No, you need to come over now. She's dying, Cam. I know you don't care, but you need to pretend for a while. Do it for me, not for her.

I'll come over later. Okay?

Thank you.

I love you.

I love you, too.

I hung up and immediately scrolled through my contacts, eventually finding Lauren's name.

Hello, darling.

Darling? Hmmm, cute.

Pet names are endearing.

I don't disagree.

So, what's up?

Are you busy?

Not at all. Where are you?

Louis's house. Is there any chance you could pick me up and drive me somewhere?

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