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Like any other day Tenya Iida was late he didn't have his uniform tie or coat on his shirt wasn't tucked in his hair was messy and he had contacts in because all his glasses had broken. He looked like he just got out of another fight his lip was busted and he just sat down in his desk in front of Uraraka but behind Asui. He didn't have his bag or notes he didn't even have a pencil he barrowed one for Uraraka that he had no intention of giving it back and took paper from Asui.

Katsuki Bakugou on the other hand had been in the classroom around thirty minutes before class started he had all the notes and had extras for the one who needed it. His uniform was in tack and his hair was still spikey but wanted to shave the sides and stop spiking the top and letting it go down. He looked over at Tenya, he saw Tenya was letting his hair go it was so much longer then their first and second years at UA. Katsuki sighed knowing he was going to have to write a report on Tenya about the fight.

Katsuki stood up and walked to the front "As class representative" Katsuki had been voted as a joke it was between Tenya and Katsuki and mutiple people had voted for him as a joke it seemed like more people did the joke. Katsuki had even did it as a joke just to see if he could go against the two year class president. He apparently had gotten the job and the job was no joke. "The school board would like to remind everyone that if any fights, or student relationships go on we must go to the class representative so they can fill out a report. That is all thank you for your time" Katsuki then went back to his seat.

Once class was over and the class was back in the dorms it was common to see Katsuki go up to his dorm and Tenya following him to go fill out a report. There was an on going joke about the two that one day Katsuki is going to run out of fight reports he's going to accidentally make them both sign a relationship paper.

"So Tenya you were late again one more time and the school considers that you may have to be expelled" Katsuki said he only used 'Tenya' when he was annoyed with him.

"Yeah I know Katsuki, it wasn't my fault this time for the right if it's surprising or not he threw the first  punch and I had to block off" Tenya's voice was tired like he had been up all night. Tenya had cut himself off from his friends the only person he would talk to now was Katsuki.

"I know but we still need to fill out a report, you're using them all up I hate having to go almost every few weeks to the office and asking if I can get more fight papers one day I fear they'll run out" Katsuki said giving him a paper

"When our roles were switched I can assure you the do not run out of any of the papers. There's a person in this school who are pretty much a copier and they print everything not a pretty sight but it works." Tenya said as he filled out the form he then gave it to Katsuki to finish it up which he did and officialized it "Katsuki, you gave me a relationship form by the way" Tenya said Katsuki was shocked and looked at it he hadn't realized it

"Iida I'm so sorry I didn't mean to the two piles are right next to each other I'm so sorry but why didn't you tell me before?!" Katsuki asked now red in the face it was blushing but he hoped Tenya would think it was embarrassment when he looked over at Tenya his face was also red he couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or an actual blush

"I thought it was your way of asking me out because I did that a couple times but you always figured it out very fast" Tenya said blushing but kept it to what he thought was a minimum "Hey Katsuki why did you want to become class president?" He asked trying to change the subject

"Last year I did it as a joke I had full intention of becoming it once I got it I would've handed it over to you but you weren't their you were at the funnel of your brother because of the new Stain attack"

"Oh. I'm glad you did I probably wouldn't be able to handle it if you weren't moving in the same day I was I wouldn't even be here and no matter what you would've gotten the job"

"Iida don't say things like that"

"God I hate that name, Iida. Just call me Tenya"

"Iida I- Sorry Tenya I just hate you saying things like you'd be dead and stuff"

"Well it's true Katsuki. My life has gone to shit since Tensei died. He was my one family member who actually cared about me the rest were just in it for my quirk and their damn money. They wanted a girl they made me a girl high school came and I wanted to be my biological gender and they said 'No' Tensei stood up for me he said 'let him be himself' and I was proud for once in my life and then he died and they want my out of the house or a girl because I remind them of him so much they want me changed to someone I'm not they even said just to dye my hair and take my blue colored contact out. They can't even look at me anymore unless I do something different" Tenya teared up and with a red puffy face.

Katsuki wasn't sure what to do he hugged him and told "Tenya I promise it'll be okay we can do it together I promise hon" he realized what he had said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to call yo-"

"Forget it you already signed the paper we're pretty much fake dating now" Tenya said

"We are the fakers aren't we"

"The fakers?"

"Well let's see Tenya Iida for two years was the fake good boy you got straight A's, you were class rep, and you got all your homework down but you get it done at midnight and you tried to commit mass murder now twice. Me on the other hand was the fake delinquent I was loud, obnoxious, I bully people but I respect rules and respect adults."

"You forgot we're now having to fake date" Tenya chuckled

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