1. THE morning in japan

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When the old class president overdosed, they all pretended nothing happened.

He was stress he had gotten another 1600 on the SAT. His parents said they would go easy on him did they? No, no they didn't they went harder on him and stressed him out. He was done he wrote down what he felt and signed it with his name he unlocked and cracked it open he laid on his bed and took out the Xanax pill bottles and started to take them with some beer until he passed out.

Katsuki had noticed that Tenya's door was cracked open he looked in and saw the half dead Tenya he ran over he saw the pill and beer bottles he was shocked he immediately called emergency services and Recovery Girl to help Tenya when Recovery girl was there Katsuki was already crying he was shooed out of the room Katsuki took the Tenya's suicide note.

Once Tenya was rushed to the hospital and doctor's were sure Tenya would be okay Katsuki opened the note. Which read:

To whoever finds my body,

I'm pretty sure once you find my body I am dead, if I'm not please let me die I can't go on living like this anymore. I guess I should explain why I shouldn't be revived. We'll start back in my elementary and middle school years.

When I was born my parents were sure I would be a girl no one not even the doctors could convince them otherwise they had a name set up for me, Taka which ment obedient. Well when I was born they still gave me the name Taka, that's my legal name and the name I still have. I was going to change my name when I became 18 but I guess that's never going to happen.

But once I started school my hair was long I wasn't aloud to cut it that was until someone put gum in my braids in the fourth grade. But throughout middle and elementary I was bullied, not just because I had longer hair then most boys no it was because I was a male in the female uniforms. My parents thought that if I did everything females did I would be transgender and grow into the name Taka but I never did and started to call myself Tenya around Tensei, Aizawa, and Yamada. My parents never knew. So when you come to my funeral call me Taka.

Tensei cut my hair we blamed it on someone put gum in my hair again and we couldn't get it out so we cut it and it would be better for hero work. My parents weren't agreeable with it but came around after two months of my hair being cut they yelled at me for lying about it. But Tensei stood up for me.

Now you're probably wondering if I ever wore the female uniform. Everyday until the dorms were implemented I got to school early and Aizawa gave me the male uniform and I would leave late later then any student and most teachers then I would change and go home. Only one student knew about all of this and that was Mei Hatsume from the support department. She had come in early and saw me in the female uniform. I explained everything to her. She held that over my head for a while but she soon I think forgot about it.

Once my brother died from the Stain attacks my parents couldn't even look at me anymore they called me a clone and threw out all of my contacts my colored one that covered up my left red eye and all my just regular contacts. They said to me "Either you wake up and become a girl like we knew you would be or get out of this house and never come back. I think you can tell what I chose the get out option. Whenever I go back to grab my stuff I'm yelled at, hit or ignored. Even when I got a 1600 on the SAT I still wasn't good enough. They just yelled at me even more saying "Tensei did that once try and not get a 1600" and once I score below it was I think a 1400 no that didn't go well with them at all they yelled at me to get a perfect score. Tensei always stood up for me no matter how bad it got. My brother was my protector and my parent. With him gone everything keeps getting worse.

I believe by the time you finish this letter I will be fully dead you can try to call an ambulance I'll just be leaving here with a sheet over my head. Please do not cry for me just forget I was ever class president forget me. I am the fake.

Sincerely for the last time

-Taka (Tenya) Iida

Katsuki looked at the note and started to cry he wasn't sure why he was crying but he was. He knew what he did was right but he also knew this wasn't what Tenya wanted.

When Tenya came back from the hospital he had a busted lip and brusies on his arms most likely from his parents. Not one person even looked in his direction expect for Katsuki.

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