6. Say something

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Katsuki saw a wounded Tenya and bolted over to him. Tenya was slumped against a wall breathing slowly. Katsuki ran starting to cry seeing it. He didn't have anything to wrap the wound with which was scareing him. "Hey don't fall asleep you'll make it out alive." He said but Tenya knew he wasn't he called for backup too late.  Katsuki called an ambulance to get Tenya. They were a couple minutes out but they assured they would get there quickly

Tenya looked at his wound knowing he didn't have long left. He slowly grabbed the ring out of his pocket he wanted Katsuki to know in death he would always be with him. He was ready to accept it. That's how an iida should go in battle by a fatel wound. He took a breath which hurt and started to stand. Katsuki tried to stop him but Tenya shook his head and being stubborn had Katsuki help him up there was no music around but then Tenya started to sing in a whisper for Katsuki to hear. The first song they had ever danced to, 'Say Something' Tenya slowly put the ring on him as a proposal. Katsuki looked at the ring.

"Baby-" Katsuki said in a shakey voice was about to cry more than before but he put his arms around Tenya to keep him from falling. He has been inturupted by Tenya sing a bit louder. He was trying to distract the both of them from his injury.

Everytime Katsuki would try to fight it or get him to lay down or even talk Tenya would sing oh so slightly louder. Soon Katsuki started to sing along with him. "Say something I'm giving up" Tenya couldn't make it through the whole verse he shared his last kiss with Katsuki and his body went limp and the two fell to the ground. The paramedics arrived and saw Katsuki on the ground with Tenya's head on his lap.

They pronounced Tenya dead on the scene.

When everything happened it happened so suddenly to Katsuki. He lost his one. His world he lost it all, he held Tenya's hand during the ride to the muroge not wanting to let go of him. He looked down at the ring Tenya gave him there was an engraving in it. It said 'to death due us part, I love you' but death did part them.

The funeral soon came around and Tenya's whole family including the Bakugou's and some other friends came around. That was the first time any of the old class of 1-A saw Katsuki break down and have to be taken out of the room because of his crying. It scared some of the old class seeing that Tenya was first to die one of the nicest strongest heros there was. Seeing him being in a casket and buried everyone knew they would soon be picked off as it happened.

This did happen. As years went by former and newer heros were picked off one by one. Katsuki Bakugou was not one every day no matter the weather he came to Tenya's grave and laid ontop of the grass where he was buried. He kept going even when he fell ill and was barely able to walk he was always taken there by a nurse or other housing assistant until he eventually died due to his sickness. Katsuki Bakugou died August 22nd at the age of 78. He was buried along side Tenya Iida who died at 19.

Katsuki Bakugou a fake rebel and Tenya Iida a fake good boy.


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