3. A stupid decision

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It's been a couple of months since they signed the contract. The two were officially fake dating.

"Fuck I'm catching actual feelings for him" Katsuki said he knew Tenya had real feelings for him and this relationship seemed to be helping Tenya out Katsuki wondered if they had been in a relationship before if they would be in this same place or not.

Tenya on the otherhand was starting to fall out of love he realized dating Katsuki was changing him back into his own old self. He liked this rule braking version of himself. But he wasn't going to break up with him after all Katsuki had done for him and it being so close to graduation.

By the time classes started that day Aizawa talked to the third years he told them graduation was about a week away and they needed to choose where in Japan they were going to work. Everyone sat their unsure of what they wanted to know, except one. One person knew where they wanted to go. That person was Tenya Iida he already had an offer at his brothers old firm over in Hosu. Tenya filled out the form quickly and turned it in.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow seeing where he wanted to go. He raised more of an eyebrow when he saw who he'd be working for a top hero agency 'Do they know how bad of a student he has been?' Aizawa thought but he signed it saying it was okay then gave it back to Tenya. Tenya didn't say thing but sat back at his desk.

Katsuki sighed a bit then wrote down a couple of places he was offered a job. Then brought it to Aizawa. Aizawa looked over at them and signed off on two but not the third. Katsuki looked at him confused. "You wouldn't work good in Hosu. I recommend the other two though." Aizawa said passing the paper back to him "Sir I don't think you understand I-" he lowered his voice so only Aizawa could hear him "I want to work with Tenya something is odd to me he always before this said he wanted to work in Ikebukuro now he's all over Hosu." Katsuki pleaded as Aizawa looked at the paper he sighed when he signed it.

"Don't let him make the decisions he did in this class." Aizawa whispers to Katsuki as he gets another person's and started to sign theirs.

That night after classes ended was graduation. Everyone was in their dorms getting ready.  It was at eight however it was six now but they needed to be to the stadium by seven.

Tenya didn't care he was walking down the stage that day he just wanted to make his boyfriend happy. He sighed and knew his parents would be there he haddn't seen his parents since before he started growing his hair out. He wasn't going to give his parents the satisfaction of seeing his hair be long again. He took out a small pocket knife from his dresser and started to cut his long hair into a messy undercut.

Katsuki on the other hand was very excited to graduate. He got himself ready and put his hair or at least what he could in his cap he then went to check on Tenya. He saw the door was cracked open. Katsuki's heart sank remembering last time Tenya's door was cracked. He hesitantly opened the door bracing himself for the worst. He looked to the bed immediately and didn't see Tenya laying on it. He walked in and saw Tenya sanding in the mirror hair all around him. Katsuki smiled and hugged him from behind, even with the two inch hight different Katsuki always felt short around him. He put his hands in Tenya's hair "You cut it!" Katsuki said running his hands through the bluenette's hair.

"I thought I'd change it a bit." Tenya said kissing Katsuki on the cheek.
"Alright let's get going Katsu." Tenya held his hand as they walked down to the stadium where the sports festival was usually at.

Once all the third years were seated graduation started. Tenya wasn't sat next to Katsuki but instead in front of him. Katsuki had rested his feet on Tenya's back which annoyed Tenya but he dealt with it. Tenya soon got up with the rest of his row and started to walk Katsuki's row did the same thing. Just one thing happened when Tenya went to walk they called the name Taka Iida instead of Tenya. Tenya cringed a bit at the name but still walked across the stage that had been set up. Class A was a bit confused  but went on with their graduation knowing they'd ask Tenya later at the graduation party for class A.

The graduation party had been planned by Kaminari and Sero. No one knows why those two were appointed as the party coordinators but they were. There was just a bit extra in the punch bowl that extra being alcohol. Yes, they were only eighteen but Kaminari and Sero had there ways to make the party fun and exciting. There was a DJ booth that Jiro would take over in party and some dorm rooms were unlocked if anyone wanted to have sex.

Once the class was there the party started. In the middle of the night there was stuff everywhere.

Tenya seemed to be found in the corner of the party observing unlike most he changed out of his graduation outfit. He knew he couldn't be hungover because he had to be with the Bakugou's and his parents the next day. He watched Katsuki go over to the refreshments table about the tenth time.

So Katsuki was clearly intoxicated to some point, Tenya just hoped it wouldn't effect tomorrow. He looked down and started to pull something out of his pocket when his attention was diverted to two hands pinning him to the corner and an intoxicated blonde in front of him trying to kiss him.

"Katsuki I know where this will take us and I'm Asexual remember?"

"That's fake Taka" Katsuki drinkingly said. Even though he knew Katsuki didn't mean it it still hurt him and it hurt him more hearing Katsuki say that dead name.

"Don't call me that" Tenya snarled

"What you want me to believe your fake sexuality and fake name" This is what tipped Tenya over and now he was pissed and felt like he had no where to go all over again. He pushed Katsuki away and went up to his dorm room once again.

Tenya was fake, the fakest of the fakes. His name, sexuality, who he's dating, and his happiness. He wouldn't be surprised  if he was tomorrow get on one knee and getting rejected. He did love Katsuki but as Katsuki did get closer to him he turned back to the old self and he hated that old self of him. But he also loved Katsuki way more then anything else, he didn't want to fake there marriage and fake being happy for it all. Tenya wouldn't be able to handle it all. He took the ring box out of his pocket and walked to Izukus to room he put the box on the ground, knocked, then went back into his room at least Uraraka and him would be in a fake realationship.

It was stupid of Tenya to think that this would work out. It was stupid to think faking a realationship would work out. He wouldn't brake up of Katsuki that night or tomorrow, maybe never but he knew he couldn't marry him in this mindset and that mindset never seemed to go away. He laid down on his bed and slowly drifted to sleep hoping to everything would be okay, he met with all the parents tomorrow and the next he started his hero work.

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