Chapter 1

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1st chapter!! Lol is anyone even gonna read this? O.O anyways if u do, thanks, pls stick around! X

Ralph glanced at the group of boys standing behind him. The ones he used to work with. The ones he used to trust. He stared at the red haired boy, the one he used to like so much. The one he used to be happy with. The one he first explored the island with. How did he loose everything he's had? How did his connection break with Jack? Piggy told him- Piggy.. Piggy died too. Never would he have ever expected this... Piggy.. he told him Jack would never hurt Ralph... and Ralph believed it too. At first. How could he... right? They had a connection. They were friends.. but Piggy was wrong, and Ralph was wrong for believing it. He felt a pain in his chest, not from the small wound he got from Jack, but he felt his heart break. The loss of innocence. How cruel they have all become. How they betrayed Ralph, who only wanted the best for them. Jack betrayed him. He tried to kill him, and he would've if the Navy Officer never appeared. Ralph would've been dead by a boy he thought he once knew.
The fair haired male's throat tightened, water was already blinding his eyes. For the first time on the island, he started to cry. The hot water spilled down his cheeks like a waterfall.  Why did Jack want to kill him? Why did he hate him? They used to be friends. Used to sit together by the fire and just enjoy simple things in life. The children who cheered and danced next to the fire, just to see it burn. When did it come to the point that they turned against him and became savages? How could they?
Ralph couldn't stop crying. He wailed loudly, how much pain he felt. The pain inside his chest, his heart. His crying, as if contagious, affected all the other children. They dropped their spears and began to loudly weep as well.
Jack's cold blue gaze met Ralph's eyes. He frowned, his eyebrows furrowed. The fire still raged, but not as much. His lips quivered, and he shut his eyes, then opening them to reveal a whole new expression of confusion and sadness. It's as if he needed this moment, a pause from all of this chaos he's brought, just to see, just for a moment, what he did. The dread, the wounds on Ralph. All his work.
The navy officer looked embarrassed, yet sympathetic for the kids as they all wailed so loudly. He had no idea what was going on, nor could have never even imagined the pain Ralph felt. He just looked at them, with an awkward expression.
"I'll wait til you calm down." He informed. "But we can't stay for long, this smoke can attract other forces we don't want." He added.
The fair haired boy didn't want to look at anyone anymore. He didn't want to remember this. He didn't want to remember their faces. He didn't want to remember how the freckled boy in the black cap looked like. It only made him sadder. He's never felt this grief before.
Ralph carried his eyes to the sand underneath his feet. It was red. His whole body was almost covered with blood. Now the liquid dripped on to the tiny pebbles. He needed to be strong, but all this time he tried. It worked but to a certain extent. He couldn't bare this anymore. He took a few ragged deep breaths, accepting everything that just happened. He tried not to think about it because he knew he'd burst into tears again. Water still fell out of his eyes, but it wasn't rapidly. One tear after the other, as if they waited in line to roll down his cheeks, then chin, just to fly down on the island.
The officer looked impatient, and glanced at Ralph.
"Are you ready to go?" The answer he got satisfied him, as Ralph steadied himself, and tried to make his voice sound firm as he replied with a ' yes.' The officer looked past the blonde and at the savages, then back at the boy. "Your friends don't seem to be ready." He murmured.
Ralph looked up at the officer. "They may not seem like it, but they're ready too." Ralph's voice nearly cracked just talking about the people who used to be his friends.
The man raised his eyebrows. "You sure know them well."
"I thought so too.." Ralph whispered, his words so faint, the officer barely heard him. But he did. His compassionate gaze returned to his face and looked at everyone else.
"Come on now! We've got no time to waste." He started to make his way through the water. The ship was somewhat far, to the point where the man was almost waist deep.
The children who followed him hesitated, especially the littluns as they feared of sharks, which were obviously not there at the moment.
"I-I'm scared," was a little squeaky voice that Ralph heard behind him. It sounded like Sam. "M-me too." That must have been Eric. The two boys were the only ones who didn't betray Ralph. They were forced to join the hunt for him, but didn't participate in any other way other than running, following the savages. Their intention was never to hurt him as they even warned Ralph about Jack's plans.
Ralph felt a little better knowing that there were still two people who didn't betray him, which softened the terrible pain he felt. "Cone here." He once again, barely put energy into making a statement, but it was enough for the twins to hear him. He stretched out his hands on both sides if his body, so that Sam and Eric could both hold them. He felt the little fingers grab his palms, which soothed him a bit. Ralph wondered if Jack was looking at him. Wondered what was going through his head. He couldn't get over the fact he betrayed him. Out of everyone.. it really had to be him? He held back tears, but they fell again. He weeped silently, though his shoulders jumped when he cried, so it was obvious.
The two twins' bodies were hidden by the water as they edged further, and they stood on their toes. The officer saw them and picked Sam up. Ralph struggled to lift Eric, as his whole body was in scratches, and overal, he was very weak. He held the little boy on the opposite side of the area where Jack stabbed his ribs. It still hurt so much as he held him now, but the pain would've been way worse. Eric flinched as he realized how bloody and hurt Ralph was, and a little fear came into his expression.
The fair haired boy has already reached the ship, with the officer in the lead. There was the ship's deck, which was basically a large patio or balcony, guarded by a rail. There was a fence which was opened, the boys just had to pull themselves up.
The officer stood next to the entrance, and put Sam on the deck. Ralph knew there was no way he'd be able to lift Eric, so he handed him over to the officer, gently sent him on the ship.
Now it was Ralph's turn to climb up. He put his arms on the railing to pull up. They were so weak, his whole body was weak, and they wobbled, not keeping him up any longer . He felt two hands push his back up, which helped him get on the deck.
Ralph fell on his stomach, as he could no longer support his own weight, and moaned in pain as his scratched up body met the hard wood. At the same time, the doors from the ship hesitantly opened, on both first and second floor, and men in navy uniforms slowly edged out. They realized there were little boys on deck and in the water, and suddenly quickened their pace. Their voices were concerned and confused as they spoke to each other. A few men, about three, crowded next to Ralph, who weakly looked up.
"What happened to you?" He heard someone say.
"Are you alright?" Another added.
"Let's help you get up," a man insisted as he and someone else gently held Ralph's hands and shoulders to lift him up on his feet. When they did it, they held onto him for support, and the extra male who was one of the three who saw Ralph, realized his huge gash.
"He was stabbed in the ribs, look at his open wound." His voice sounded worried. Worried.. no one has ever been worried for Ralph on the island.. except for Piggy. He was a real friend. A true one. But now he's gone.. because one of the savages took his life with a rock.. Roger.
Almost all the savages were escorted to the ship, about three of them were left in the ocean, still yet to board. None of them were hurt but for Ralph, of course, who was nearly being dragged by the two men. Their voices merged together, Ralph didn't understand what they were saying. He looked around the ship which seemed to swirls. His vision was dizzy and blurry, which hurt his eyes. The words were now echoes and the day suddenly turned to a night so dark, the whole world vanished before Ralph's eyes.

But We Lost It ~ Jalph (LOTF)Where stories live. Discover now