🌫️ of War

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The sounds of the helicopter blades were echoing through the night as we were on a mission to attack Barkov's factory and mark his gas. The 101st Airborne of the US Army had sent PFC. Jackie (Green Viking 8-1 or "Nightmare") to assist in this, the CIA with an individual whom he only knew as "Alex" (Echo 3-1) and the NIS with Jin Ki Joo (Charlie 3-1) and Jo Hyeryung or Kisum (Charlie 2-6) as she was designated which ironically enough preferred to be called by.

With them were Hitman 7-1 (Sgt. Hoyt), Hitman 7-2 (Cpl. Davis), Hitman 7-3 (Spc. Gonzavi), Hitman 7-4 (LCpl. Randolf) and Hitman 7-5 (Pvt. Myers).

All was silence until Alex spoke into his comms.

"Echo 3-1 to Charlie Two Actual"

"Go for Actual" we knew this voice as Colonel Norris's own, he was one of the people overseeing this assault.

"LZ is in sight, looks our boys and girls are right on time Colonel"

"Roger 3-1, Hitman teams are locked and loaded for assault you are green to go" Norris declares

I cocked my supressed M4A1 which was loaded and ready to go while the girls next to me did the same for their suppressed MP5 and MP7.

I noticed Kisum was fidgeting a bit. I didn't blame her as it was her first time conducting a night assault, I was just the same way as her even I did this for my first mission.

"Hey don't be nervous, just stay by my side and you'll be fine okay?", She nodded, "Good girl"

"Watcher to 3-1, how copy?" And this voice came from Laswell, the COS.

"Station chief Laswell, send traffic"

"General Barkov has sent a new shipment of chlorine gas to his depot...but his mercs are prepping to move the chems into Urzikstan via convoy, tonight. You're still clear to engage, but live fire on Russian military is prohibited- We cannot have an international incident."

"It's going to be difficult to avoid the Russian military at this point" Ki Joo said and Alex agreed to it but rules were rules.

The helicopter crew chief is seen opening the helicopter doors. A soldier hooks up the rope and kicks it down to rappel from the helicopter.

"No guarantees Russian Army won't respond on this, Kate."

"Understood, Alex. Just locate the gas, commandeer Barkov's trucks, and get off the X before the tide turns"

"Copy, Watcher. We'll handle it."

"Last man's out!"

"Charlie-Two- Actual, this is Hammer 2-1. Hitman chalks are on deck. We're RTB."

"Let's get moving" Alex ordered us, we made sure to check the area and our surroundings to make sure we don't get ambushed or made before we wanted to be.

"All Hitman teams, push to set points" Hoyt said

"Roger on the move"

"Remember, we need to keep this on a tight loop. Barkov's men are moving the gas tonight" Alex reminded us all 

"Yep and if we don't stop it. They'll be in Urzikstan come morning time" Kisum agreed

"Hey, what are the odds we run into General Barkov tonight?" Davis asked hypothetically

"Highly doubt it, a Russian general like him wouldn't make himself a easy target in something like this" I answered

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