Clean House

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"Alpha Team 4 at the gate, let's kick this off" The Korean National Police Agency had sent two of their own to assist in this mission with the SAS. Cha Jung Won and Lee Da In. whom were best friends in the force had trained for this type of raid the past few weeks but even that is a different story now compared to the real thing.

"Brave 6, moving on to the rear garden", Price along with Alpha Team 1 moved up to that area, afterwards each team split up into different insertion points.

Alpha 2-1 then spoke into the comms, "Bravo 6, this is Alpha 2. About to enter the east valley"

"Alpha 4, we're following you Kyle"

Kyle proceeded to take out a deployable ladder putting it below the kitchen window to enter the house. Alpha 1-1 restrains the woman who proceeded to get tea for the Al Qatala members. Following this, all Alpha teams enters the hallway but in the midst hear an ongoing conversation between Al Qatala members.

"Attacking Russia is the wrong move!", "It's what he wants...", "Won't that encourage them to align? We'll be fighting everyone!"

"We're fighting an Ultranationalist group... They'll handle the operations in the East after the attacks"

"Trust the Wolf"

"You know I do, but this operation failed!!! So why are we doing this?"

"It didn't fail!! Your dead brothers made sure of that!"

"We were supposed to have double the body count!!! It's all over the flipping tele-"

"That's the point you idiot!! This is the United Kingdom, Do you fucking think anybody walks around worried they're going to get blown up? Well now they do cause Al Qatala is a household name... We need to coordinate with the other groups. Paris, Munich, Moscow, Seoul.."

"And the Yanks?"


After hearing enough of this, Price ordered his teams "Take the front room, drop em"

The 3 conversing Al Qatala members were dropped with quick shots to the head by Jung Won, Da In and Kyle.

"Good fucking riddance" Da In thought to herself, the AQ were going to pay no matter what for the fact they killed a friend of hers who was in Piccadilly at the time of the bombing.

"Goodnight you bastards" Jung Won said in Korean.

Panicking was heard as the remaining members armed up and went into rooms waiting to ambush all 4 alpha Teams. The teams once reaching the top of the stairs split up to take a certain room, unbeknownst to them the NIS placed a undercover agent in the AQ ranks. Park Ji Hyun had already helped eliminate some of the members while also managing to clean up her tracks well so as to not draw any suspicion towards herself.

"Alpha 3-1, X Ray is down. Got a friendly here it's the NIS undercover agent" to their surprise she had great English speaking skills, definitely could come handy in the future. Alpha 3-1 and the woman shook hands

"Park Ji Hyun, it's a pleasure to finally meet you"

"To you as well, Alpha 3-1, hold up I hear a individual speaking. On you, Kyle" Ji Hyun said signaling her teammates to get ready to breach the room.

"Derrick You get em? You're all gonna die like your mates did at Piccadilly!"

Kyle and Ji Hyun breached the room gunning down the hostage taker but the hostage decided to go for the AK.

Ji Hyun shot her dead then followed up with another bullet to center mass and the head because you never know if your enemy is dead yet so better make sure in the process, "Price, two X Rays down"

An Al Qatala member came out the closet with a knife to attack Jung Won in the room she was assigned to, "Seems all cl- What the?", "FOR MY DEAD BROTHERS!" Yelled the AQ fighter who dropped the female agent and in the process knocked away her MP5SD to the ground. The two were now engaged in a fierce struggle which decided who would live and who would die, the terrorist nearly driving the knife through her chest until she managed to grab her suppressed X16 and as quick as she did dropped the assailant with a shot to the head along with another just to make sure he stayed dead. "Alpha 4-2, had a struggle with a hostile but I'm all good now. Clear here"

Da In was scouting a room initially thinking it was clear until a hostile popped out from under the bed with an Uzi to try to gun her down but she heard it and popped him followed with another shot to make sure the suspect was dead. "Alpha 4-1, clear"

They all proceeded to enter the end of the hallway, only to met by gunfire coming from a hidden AQ fighter with a shotgun which severely wounded Alpha 3-2 and nearly hit Da In. "Shit!!! Alpha 3-2 is hit!" she muttered dropping to the ground in time

"I've got you mate", one of the Alpha team members said dragging his fellow trooper to safety as a easily recognizable trail of blood followed.

Even if she and Jung Won didn't know who this man was or any of the SAS teams much here, they still prayed he didn't sustain any life threatening injuries. "I'll stay here and recon this area, you all go ahead" Da In said, wanting to help her wounded comrade before medical teams arrived.

"Alright, copy that. See you on the other side"

Clearing the last floor was something as the woman who was told to surrender initially did until they were forced to neutralize her cause she was going for the detonator, god only knows what would have happened if she had managed to actually get to it...

"Bloody hell, she was going for that?!" Kyle said, "Well good thing we took out her then." Price replied

"All teams, townhouse secure commence SSE." Price then ordered

"Copy boss", "Roger" , "You got it"

Jung Won and Ji Hyun who were with Kyle had both found the thing that made this raid worth it and would be great Intel.

"Price, you have to come see this. I think we got a location" Jung Won told him, "Bet your arse we did, we have a location on the Wolf"

"What are we waiting for? It's time to go get his ass."

Up next is "Hunting Party" where we'll finally get to see Omar The Wolf Sulaman himself again face to face 👀

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