Proxy War

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*I've decided to skip both Piccadilly and Embedded to go straight to the Proxy War mission*

"You think we fight this war with sticks and stones?"

"The Russians only understand violence, so I show them violence. Barkov has an Air Force so we have one too. RC planes loaded with C4s"

"Not a bad way to improvise" Lee Chung Ah thought to herself, the NIS just like the CIA for Alex had sent her with 1 other agent to assist the ULF in their against both AQ and Barkov's loyal forces. The other sent was Lee Shi A.

Lee Chung Ah and Lee Shi A both didn't care about what happened over here initially but after seeing what type of atrocities Barkov had committed, they were wanting to come here to help Farah's forces in the fight to liberate her country from him and AQ. The NIS took notice of this and sent the two in only days after the CIA sent Alex in themselves.

"First wave's ready to go!! We're hot" One of Hadir's fellow soldiers said

"Good, send the second after we breach!" He replies

Not too long after, with the RC Planes launched and hitting their intended targets like Alex to the Russian Helo, the Assault on Barkov's Forward Operating Base had begun. "Good flying brothers, let's get down there".

"Time to have Barkov get a taste of his own medicine!", "Damn straight he will." Alex started talking into his wristwatch communicator to Laswell or Watcher, "Echo 3-1 to Watcher, Local forces are moving in on Barkov's base. Requesting Close Air Support"

"Copy 3-1, I'm tasking an unmarked gunship to your position, stand by"

This was going to be a fight with the Russians, one Farah and her ULF had been looking forward to and itching for.


"3-1 to Watcher, we're moving into the tarmac!, Where's that air support?!" Alex said into his communicator, "Echo 3-1, CAS is inbound. Unmarked. ETA 5 minutes. This is risky, Alex". After breaching into the base with the mortar cannon, the ULF stormed in but not without taking some casualties, the Russians were putting up a good fight but even they knew themselves they weren't going to last long against the ULF and then soon arriving CAS they're getting in that unmarked AH-64 Apache Gunship.

Hadir drives the truck in reverse at full speed, ramming into the gate and forcing it open. The militia go charging through the gate and into the barracks. One of the ULF fighters told his or her group "My group! This way!", sadly they would meet their end quickly as another Russian attack helicopter flies in the sky and commences a strafing run on the militia. Some of the militia are caught in the attack and killed. Luckily, the remaining ones were able to out of the way as Alex used a drone to blow it out of the sky. He and the militia push further through the barracks area and to the tarmac, where they encounter more Russian resistance. "Sister! The tarmac is ahead of us!" Hadir notes, they were getting ever so closer to their objective, "I see it! Brother, get us more planes in the air!"

"Okay! Yasin! We are going for the last armory! Get another wave flying!" Hadir orders Yasin one of his men to do so but unfortunately all "air support" they had before is now gone, " (on radio) Our safe house is under attack! I can't launch anymore- I'm sorry, brother!" Yasin replies. Without air support for another few minutes, Alex, Hadir, and Farah lead the militia across the tarmac to the hangar, dispatching all Russian soldiers they encounter. 

"Everyone inside! Clear the hangar!" Farah orders. "Get inside, go! Chung Ah tells the rest.The militia enters the hangar where they spot the last armory, another red building. Russian soldiers can be heard yelling inside of it:"Fuck-! They cut communications! We're trapped in here! They're going to kill us!", "Just hold out for reinforcements!", "We could surrender!", "You want to end up on some internet video getting your head chopped off?! Fuck that!". "No reinforcements for you, sick animals" Shi A muttered to them in her native tongue. Alex and Hadir move to the side of the armory where Alex gives Hadir a boost up on to the top of the armory. Hadir crouches over the edge right where Alex is below and offers his hand. Not long after the milita resupplied their ammunitions, Russian reinforcements appear at the base and attack them.

The lights throughout the airfield go out, leaving only a red emergency light in the hangar. Farah realized they cut the power on them. Alex exits the armory and rejoins the militia where they engage in a fierce firefight with Russian reinforcements, the ULF is ordered to hold their ground even with only a few of their men remaining.

"If we die here sisters and brothers, lets take them down with us!." Shi A told her fellow girls, "I agree!, we ain't going down without a fight!" Chung Ah says, 

Suddenly, armored Russian assault tanks appear and open fire on the militia. Soon after, the long awaited Air Support had arrived, Viper 1-1 approaches in a unmarked AH-64 Apache Gunship. "It's our air support!", "Hell yeah, time to rain some hell on these bastards" Tymee smirked, "Echo 3-1, Viper 1-1 on approach. Ready for tasking. What's your position?" the pilot says arriving to the AO, "Viper, this is 3-1 God damn good to hear your voice!" Alex says relieved.

After some time, the Russian forces that aren't destroyed are forced to retreat from the airbase which the pilot lets them go. " All targets destroyed. Tarmac is clear of enemy movement, over." "Solid copy, Viper 1-1. Appreciate the high heat, don't be a stranger.",  "Never by choice, 3-1.", "Don't I know it! Echo out.". As the helicopter flies back to base, the ULF begin to celebrate their victory. Alex, Lee Chung Ah Hadir, and Farah walk out of the hangar and survey the scene of their victory as their men and women celebrate or salvage any weapons they could use in future conflicts.

 Hadir asks "So you Americans and Koreans do kill Russians, yes?", Alex replies with "Only the bad ones". Chung Ah chuckles and says back "Well what he said, only the bad ones indeed". "This was a great victory for Urzikstan. Thank you brother and sister" , "We make a good team.", "Most definitely"

 "Yes, we've bought time, but Barkov will retaliate." Farah acknowledges, but Hadir says to her  "So will we.", "Me and my squad you can bet your ass we'll be ready for it" Chung Ah tells them 

Hadir, Alex, Farah and Chung Ah knew it definitely would most likely be only of a matter before Barkov starts to counter attack them but whatever is next to come, they were going to be ready for it.

And so that concludes another chapter in the story, new faces have decided to join the fight.. See you all in the next one!

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