Hunting Party

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"Well it seems the hospital is at the end of the road, which is half a klick away" Farah noted as they were just sitting the back of a truck and in response Hadir confirmed her answer. Sadly, they (Farah, Hadir and the ULF) weren't going to be able to participate in the assault to retake the hospital due to what the higher ups said. "Jackie you know you should really talk to Cha Jung Won when she arrives at the US Embassy here, she's worried sick about you. How I know is Chung Ah told me" Farah tells me

"I'll... talk to her about it... to be honest I'm worried about her too" I told them in response to her suggestion, last we spoke was when she got promoted within the Korean Prosecutor Force before my reassignment to take part in the botched Verdansk raid only days before and I was there to congratulate her.

"Me and Jackie here will be hoofin' it with the Marines.",  not too long after a group of Marines approaches the group. "Echo 3-1, Echo 8-1?", "Sergeant Griggs" Alex says. "All day" Griggs replies, after this me and Alex introduced ourselves to Griggs and his Marines though I was already acquainted with them somewhat back in my early days as a 101st Airborne Trooper/Soldier.

"No locals on this one, not my call. You Karim?" He asks, Farah replies with "All Day" repeating one of Alex's answers. 

"Nice work hitting the Russians", "We share friends and enemies" Once Hadir and Farah wished us lucks, it was time to begin the assault to retake the hospital. I checked my M4A1 equipped with a Holo sight, Merc Foregrip, 11.5 FSS Commando Barrel to make sure it was loaded and ready to go, after that I cocked it.

"Let's roll Jackie and Alex, Demon Dogs time to take this shit to the fan!", yells of Oorah were heard. I smirked at this because it never got old hearing it, "OORAH!" I said also with them

Alex, myself and the Marines begin making their way to the hospital as they pass through the war-torn streets. Griggs tells all of us to be careful with the windows since this environment was packed with targets. In the sky, a group of A-10 Thunderbolt planes fly overhead and unleash their bombs on their target in the distance, the glorious sound of freedom passing by never got old ;-).  "Fire in the hole! Warheads on foreheads! Get some...!!",  "Woo-hoo-hoo!! Clean up on aisle six, baby!", "The amazing sound of freedom boys!" I told the two Marines and they definitely agreed to this. The Marines noticed booby traps in some of the alcoves and alleys and encounter one such in their way, but Alex carefully disarmed the tripwire.

The Marines meet up with Bradley Fighting Vehicles and armored troop transports. As we make our way down a street, one of the Bradleys is struck by an IED and explodes, Al Qatala forces ambushed the group and opened fire, forcing all of us to take cover and engage. Alex threw a smoke grenade at the enemy forces, "Popping smoke!" just as I did the same, "Popping Smoke!"

The smoke grenade lets out a thick plume of smoke, ensuring we could move up under cover from enemy fire. The Marines flank around the machine guns and encounter Al-Qatala forces, whom they are forced to engage. An Al-Qatala vehicle with a mounted machine-gun rolls onto the scene and attacks the Marines. Al-Qatala forces appear on the rooftops and open fire on the Marines, including a machine gunner. "Eyes high, they're all over the rooftop!" , "They're everywhere!!" I yelled while engaging the AQ fighters. Eventually, we managed to clear the building where the MG was, and his buddies.

 "Copy that! All teams, rally with the convoy. Demon 1-2 to Red Hammer 7 - We're taking fire from troops defending the south entrance of the hospital - Request immediate suppression, over..." Griggs requests for Air Support.

"(over radio) Roger, Demon 1-2 - Hammer is visual on that position. Target is acquired. Stand by for danger close."

"Marines! Hold up! We have overhead ordnance comin' hot on this grid!",  "Shots out, shots out...!". "Incoming!" The Apache gunships soon appeared in the sky and proceed to release a volley of missiles on the hospital building "Oh hell yeah!", "Feel that burn!", "Holy fuckin' shit!", "Don't ever mess with the United States of America!" I said in excitement, not too long after the Apaches cease firing on the hospital and fly off into the distance.

 "Demon 1-2, Red Hammer 7, target destroyed, vector is cleared. I repeat, vector is clear." ,"All Demon Dogs-- Road is clear! You are green to get some!" Griggs orders and we continued the road to the hospital. After quite a fight outside with AQ we had managed to enter the hospital, Alex and Griggs led us through to the other side of the lobby where they open the door leading further into the hospital. Through the doors, we encountered both Al-Qatala fighters and civilians in the hallways, clearing the hallways Me, Alex and Marines got to the room where the hostages were, the snake cam was deployed to what was happening.

Alex looks through the snake camera and sees several Al-Qatala fighters holding Demon 3 and two other Marines hostage while the Wolf stands in front of a camera and records a message. "Your men cannot save you! You were sent here to kill me but you will die because of your continued bombings and your proxy wars...", "Just as your missiles and bullets continue to strike our people, our knives will continue to slash your throats in retaliation!"

"Fucking bastards, they have our men" I noted,  "PID on the Wolf, three Marine hostages- He's gonna kill 'em, we gotta breach..." Alex says

"Motherfuckers! Flank 'em from the rear, I'll take the main. Alex, take the window. Find a way around." Griggs ordered, "Copy that, we'll get it done" and so I went with Alex and a few Marines, one of them pushes a metal cabinet that's been blocking the window aside so Alex can climb out that window. We eventually wind up outside on a pathway leading to a door ahead. "Door ahead."

 "Griggs, we're heading inside. Stand by.", Alex opens the door only to notice another tripwire planted just inches away from being triggered but disables allowing us to get through without issue. "Demons set. Take this animal alive, Alex... Don't shoot him, get him on the ground." Alex crouches down behind cover and gets close enough to the Wolf to see him raise a blade in the air. Just as the WOlf is about to execute the Marine, Alex springs out of hiding and attacks the Wolf by grabbing his weapon arm and pinning him to the ground. 'The Al-Qatala fighters that were observing the planned execution raise their weapons to defend the Wolf to no avail as the rest of our group burst in and took them down.

The Marines secure the room and help the hostages out, just as Griggs kneels down beside the hostage who was about to be executed. I helped to untie one of the hostages, "You're safe now brother" I told him

"We gotchya, brother-man, you're alright... You good, Alex?"

 "Good, Griggs... Omar Sulaman, you are now in custody of Special Operations Force. Do exactly as you're told, or you're a dead man." Alex tells the Wolf face to face

"Got the bastard finally, to the Embassy we go", after saying that I took out a picture of me and Jung Won "She your girlfriend?" One of the marines asked, "Yep, She's a Prosecutor back in her country but she'll be fine at least I hope since my friends from high places within the NIS and Police forces can help" I reply

"Well, she's a keeper. I hope you treat her right" He tells me, and I nodded in taking his advice

Griggs takes a pair of zipties and restrains the Wolf's hands.

"Hell, yeah- All Demon teams, Marines are secure! Wolf is in the bag, let's move him to the Embassy"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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