16. Juliana and the Ghost

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Two new personal training signups in three days. Not bad. That would definitely help her flagging numbers this month. She hated this side of her job. Pushing for new signups wasn't fun for her like it was for Tasha. That girl could sell Snapchat to grandmothers if she wanted to. It was probably why management put up with her incessant chattiness.

Juliana looked up from the paperwork to her newest signup. "All right, Miss Washington, tell me some of your goals."

"Call me Danielle. Goals, huh?" She leaned back in her chair to think. "Pass the bar exam. Get into a prestigious law firm. Move into a penthouse." The woman ticked off perfectly manicured fingers as she spoke. "Prove to my parents that following my girlfriend to the city wasn't a mistake."

At that last part, Danielle seemed to eye her, as if waiting for some kind of response.

Juliana decided on a neutral answer. "Those are some lofty goals."

"I have high expectations."

"What about your fitness expectations? What would you like to get out of your personal training sessions?"

"Aside from spending time with a gorgeous woman?" Danielle winked at her.

Juliana laughed nervously. Tasha would love this client. Charm as smooth as her dark skin. Black, penetrating eyes. Confidence for days. But flirty clients made Juliana feel uncomfortable.

"Relax." The woman's voice took on a placating tone. "I'm not looking to step out on my girl. I just enjoy handing out compliments."

"Well... thanks." Juliana shuffled some papers and cleared her throat. "Fitness goals?"

Danielle nodded. "Keeping it professional. I can respect that." She went on to talk about her desire for muscle tone and increased core strength.

The woman already seemed to be in great shape, but Juliana wasn't here to debate a client's self-image. When they'd gone through the standard battery of questions, they had half an hour left for some mat work. She guided her new client through some complex stretches, all the while keeping an eye on the clock. Jenny was her next appointment, and no matter how many times she'd told herself not to get excited about it, the butterflies in her stomach never seemed to listen.

"Curves is coming!" they seemed to chant. "Jenny with the amazing eyes!"

Don't forget the quirky sense of humor, she reminded the butterflies.

"Yes!" the butterflies replied. "And shapely—"

"I never thought I could break a sweat from stretching," Danielle said, coming out of a hamstring sit-back. "You really know your stuff."

"Thanks." Juliana handed her a towel. "You're doing really well. These are more advanced than most clients can handle in the beginning."

Danielle wiped her face and grinned. "I'm definitely not a beginner. But you knew that. You've got a talent for setting the right routine for a person's skill level."

Juliana smiled back. "Fitness isn't one size fits all."

"That should go on your business cards. You do have business cards, right?"

"Oh, that's right!" Juliana fetched one from her back pocket. "Here, in case you need to cancel an appointment or reschedule."

Danielle pressed the card dramatically over her heart. "Are you this romantic with all your clients?"


"Kidding! You are too cute. Simone will love you. I'll tell her to sign up with you."

"Uh, thanks." Juliana was unsure what to make of this forward, oddly flirtatious woman. She supposed it didn't really matter now since their session was ending. Jenny was due to arrive at any moment.

Her spirits lifted at the thought.

Danielle? Here? Let's throw some sharp-edged votes at her face...

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