26. Juliana vs. Nerves

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Juliana couldn't recall the last time she'd ever felt this nervous. It had only been two days after their phone call, but this was going to be her first time meeting Jenny outside of a professional capacity. She wasn't quite sure how to act without her trainer mask on.

"Just be yourself," Natalie had recommended.

It was sensible advice. After all, she wasn't sure who else she could be. Although Tasha would probably suggest being more like her was better.

She held up one of her favorite running outfits. "What do you think, Noah?"

He made a dismissive sniffing noise, apparently still miffed she had given him a bath that morning.

"Oh come on, you were starting to smell like old socks."

He gave her a soft woof.

"Yes, I realize you adore smelly socks and rolling in poop, but you're going to meet someone very special today. You have to smell agreeable, okay?"

Noah laid his head on his paws in resignation.

What about her hair? Jenny had only ever seen her in ponytails, so maybe loose would be good. She brushed her hair out, styled it, and then frowned at the mirror. Did it look too nice? This was a walk in the park, not a formal restaurant date.

When was the last time she went on a date anyway? No one since Lindsey, she realized. Had it already been a year since that relationship fell apart? The woman had called her "unambitious" and "destined for small things" before moving out. It had stung, yet there Juliana was, still at the same job. Was it wrong to love a job that didn't pay very much?

Was she even ready to date again?

She thought about Lindsey, the dynamic redhead who had moved away to pursue an opportunity at a PR firm. Thought about the good times they'd had together. And for once, her heart didn't squeeze painfully at the loss.

Maybe she was ready.

With a determined flick of her brush, she decided. So what if they were just going to walk Noah? Why not try to impress Jenny anyway? A date was a date, whether there was a dog in it or not.

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