Need A Ride?

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My name is Amara, I just moved to Sacramento from Los Angeles. My parents recently decided to move despite having a wonderful life in LA, I can't figure out why. I think they're both having a mid life crisis at the same time. Anyway, perfect life, ripped away. Yeah Sacramento is great and beautiful, but it's my senior year and I obviously have to move schools. I've begged for them to let me finish the year online, and they know I'm smart enough, but they are scared I'll isolate from the outside world. They're not wrong but like can't a girl live a little, or a lot less and stay inside? But despite my begging, I start a new school in three days, which is also the first day of school which is good I guess. 

Moving into the house wasn't too stressful. Mom insisted on hiring a team to help us move in even though they honestly just move the boxes in and ditch. But I love arranging rooms so I'm not upset about it. I finished my room in no time, I managed to keep it mostly like my room back in LA so it felt more like home, but it still felt like it was missing something. It needed pictures.

 In my perfect life back in LA I only had one really close friend, Eve. Eve and I met in 6th grade and we have been best friends since. When I told her I was moving, she said "oh thank god" and I was like dude wtf? but she then explained that she was also moving and didn't know how to tell me. It made the move easier but also a lot harder. She moved to Vegas with her aunt and uncle because her parents are having a hard time coping with her coming out. Eve is bi by the way, kind of ironic I guess considering her name. I had pictures of me and her but they weren't enough to fill the void of my walls. 

I'm not excited to go to school on Monday, I know it shouldn't matter since its only a year in a new school but I can't help but feel anxious. I'm very introverted but part of me wishes it were easier to make friends. Thankfully my school days are cut in half because I'm a senior, so I get to school at 8 and leave at 12. This is beneficial to my personal schedule because I sell thrifted clothes on instagram and I'm hoping to start a podcast in the future. I'm really into true crime as well as conspiracies. 

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On Sunday, I went for a walk with my dog Jax, to get a feel of the neighborhood. It was a very beautiful neighborhood that I am thankful to have moved into. While on my walk I noticed a beautiful jeep, that was older, parked next to a brand new Audi. I thought it was an odd combination but I understand the love for Jeeps. I've been saving up for one for years. My parents said they'd buy me a car for college but they want me to drive a "safer" car. 

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Monday. Nobody likes a Monday. Especially when it's the first day of school, except most people actually like the first day, so I guess some people actually do like Mondays sometimes. Usually it's a day of fun, new clothes, and reuniting with friends. But all I could think about was being alone. No friends to reunite with after a long summer.

I wore a dark green dress with a sheer pink kimono, and matching pastel pink heels. I wore my hair in loose curls with no makeup. Makeup wasn't my thing. I like to get ready but I just can't bring myself to put on a full face of makeup, I normally just wear lipgloss and mascara. 

First period was a breeze, no one noticed me and the class had no work because it's the first day. Everyone was just on their phones so I didn't have to worry about anyone noticing a new girl. Before second period I went to my locker to move some books in so my backpack wasn't heavier than my anxiety. "It's not a big deal. It's the first day of senior year at a new school. Nothing to worry about. All you have to do is make it through the day! Not even the whole day! And then you can walk home and forget about your first day." I said, subconsciously talking to myself. I shut my locker and noticed a handsome guy at the locker next to me. I hadn't noticed anyone standing next to me. My cheeks flushed bright red when I realized he probably heard what I said, but he didn't react so I shook it off and started to walk away when he says "Need a ride?"and I stopped and said "What?" he smiled and I was in awe. "You said you were going to walk home during your little pep talk of a rant." he says while grabbing a Calculus textbook out of his locker. "I- What? You weren't suppose to hear that. Who are you?"



"Well Amara, you never answered my question. Need a ride?"

"All I know about you is that your name is Thomas. I can't just take a ride home from you. You could be a murderer for all I know."

"Murderer? No. Chauffeur? Maybe"

I laughed and attempted to change the subject, "Calculus. That your 2nd period?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Actually yeah"

"Well, looks like your first day just got better."

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