Youre home?!

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Dating is very new to us both. It's our first relationship. I'm scared that it'll hurt our friendship, if we were to ever break up. But I know Thomas is perfect for me, and just perfect in general.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Monday morning, walking into school, I felt as if all eyes were on me. Or us. We were holding hands, and I know it's not crazy to anyone else, but my heart was racing. No one really noticed, besides Hayden. I could see her smile from a mile away. She was smiling so confidently, as if she knew this would happen.

I was sad to go to English, but I wasn't about to be the clingy girlfriend so we separated at the lockers and I went my own way. Hayden was so ecstatic, and loud. Now people knew.

"Amara! How could you not tell me you were with Thomas?! When did this happen? Where?"

"Girl. The whole school can hear you. It happened Saturday, we were having our Halloween movie marathon and we kissed. Then yesterday we went out to eat and he asked me."

"Ahhhh! I'm so happy for you! Now we can go on double dates!" She practically screamed, while giving me a big hug.

Throughout class she asked me a thousand questions, and I gave her every detail. It felt nice to share, as I haven't really been able to tell Eve, besides the actual fact that we're dating.

Thomas met me at the door of my class as it ended. We walked to Calculus together and I let out a sigh as we sat down. Thomas looked at me, questioning my sigh. I explained to him how as we slowly progress through the course, it's only getting harder for me to keep up. Math will never be my strong suit. This gave Thomas another reason to spend more time with me, he was going to tutor me.

Anatomy was a breeze, our teacher had us play Operation, after we took a quiz. Thomas aces his quizzes, despite literally turning pale as soon as we walk in everyday. He's a mystery, honestly.

While Thomas was in practice, I went to the store and printed out pictures. I made sure to get an extra of us kissing. I put it on the dash of the Jeep, to surprise Thomas.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Thanksgiving is approaching. It's the monday of Thanksgiving break. Eve and her new boyfriend will be here tomorrow. I'm very excited to meet him, and also introduce Thomas. Eve is staying with me, we've always done Thanksgiving and Christmas together. So her Aunt and Uncle paid to fly her out here and we are paying to fly her back.

Thomas and I have been dating almost a month. His dad was so happy when we told him. He didn't know how long our friendship was going to be strung out or if it'd ever progress with both of our awkward selves. My parents weren't surprised to know we'd gotten close. They're quite happy we're together. My mom said we're a great fit, while my dad said I don't need a boyfriend but then talked on and on about loving Thomas.

Today Thomas and I tie dyed shirts, to match on Thanksgiving. Thomas kept getting dye on his hands, meanwhile I had the gloves on that I offered. He was determined to not use them.

We also helped my mom finish setting up her boutique. She has a couple in Los Angles, SanDiego, Fresno, and now another in Sacramento. We'd painted on Saturday, and now we set up all the racks and mannequins.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I'm picking up Eve at the airport today! I woke up way too early, got ready way too fast, and sat on my couch for over an hour. I checked my phone every five seconds, checking the time to see if I could leave for the airport yet. My mom was letting me borrow her car. Thomas was going to go with me, but I didn't want him to have to wake up early.

I finally left and drove to the airport, when I got there I parked at the baggage return and waited in my car. I finally saw Eve's blonde hair through the window and ran inside. I hugged her so tight, I almost cried. I was so happy to finally see her again. I finally let go and said hi to her boyfriend. He shook my hand and smiled, he was quite attractive. He had darker skin along with dark hair and eyes. His smile was beautiful. He looked amazing with Eve. Her light skin and hair, next to him. They look like the perfect couple.

I hadn't picked up his name yet, as I was too excited to receive any new information. Eve sat in the passenger seat and Tyler say in the back. We agreed to go get lunch, but I asked to pick up Thomas first.

"Do you care if my boyfriend comes?"

"He has to! I can't wait to meet him in person!"

I called Thomas, he offered to meet us at Sacs because he was already out getting a package for his dad.

We met at Sacs. We walked in to Thomas sitting at the table, and his eyes lit up and his jaw dropped.

"Tyler?! You're home?!"

"Dude! I was gonna surprise you. What're you doing here?!"

"I'm meeting my girlfriend. Amara. You'll love her."

"Oh. my. god." Me and Eve said in unison. We saw it unfolding before us. We were dating each others best friends, and so were they.

"What?" both the boys said. Then it clicked.

There was no awkward introductions or moments of silence. Everyone basically already knew each other so we never stopped talking, and catching each other up.

I can't believe Eve is here, and that Tyler is her boyfriend that she's been talking about lately. Looks like this will be a great Thanksgiving.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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