chapter 1

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I watched Matt take a drink of his ice water and thought about how it would feel to kiss that mouth and shook myself. I blinked several times trying to make the images of him doing things to me disappear. His eyes met mine and he licked his lips. I realized he was just doing that because I was unconsciously doing it. I blushed and covered my face with my straight, long black hair. Our eyes were locked together for a second..

He grinned before turning back to his work setting up the signing stand outside the RV. Damn I couldn't help but wish we were somewhere alone.. I'd like to think if I had him alone I would just know what to do and it would be AMAZING. I have these heated dreams about us having sex but I always wake up before the good part and then I can't sleep for a couple hours. I'm like some sort of sex deprived virgin. 

I clicked the computer after noticing the screen had gone black and went back to work. I was the only one capable of running the Avenged Sevenfold website. I clicked the newest pictures of the boys on tour and dragged them to were I wanted them writing small captions under each. Jimmy drinking UV chocolate cake! (One of my favorite flavors was passion fruit vodka.) Matt sleeping before the show!! (He was so hot sleeping with his arms crossed sitting in a folding chair. I wanted to kiss him awake and touch him everywhere..)

I blinked again and realized I'm going to drive myself crazy. I froze as Matt walked in the door alone.. I pulled my hair over my shoulder and played with it as he walked up behind me. His hand brushed my rear and I blushed feeling the pleasure of his hand lingering. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that." He said grinning. I knew he had meant it and I wanted more but didn't know how to ask for it. 

"Why not?" I asked frowning. I bit my lip as he laughed shaking his head. I smiled self consciously as he walked to the tv and flipped through the channels. I watched him stand with his hands on his hips thinking, what would he do if i walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him? Would he turn in my arms and kiss me? I touched my lips going back to my computer.  

The RV we were traveling on tour in was large, so there was plenty of space. I looked at the back where there were six bunks three on each side. My eyes quickly went to Matt still watching the tv intently. COME OVER HERE AND MAKE LOVE TO ME!! I screamed in my head feeling my body tighten with anticipation. 

Johnny ran in the door and grinned at me. "There's my girl!'' He said and stood next to me at the tiny counter top that held a small mini fridge, sink, and microwave. The cabinets were filled with junk food and alcohol. MAN FOOD! I laughed softly as he nudged my shoulder with his. "When are we getting married?" He asked with a half playful smile tilting his lips up.

"That's not a good idea." I said grinning. 

He nodded with a smile but I knew it hurt his feelings that I didn't like him the same. I glanced covertly at Matt who somehow appeared in front of us. "Why aren't you getting the stage ready?" Matt asked crossing his arms the way I loved.. god to be hugged by him was heavenly. I bit my lip remembering the few times I had been held against him. 

"I am working on it! Give me a break Matt." Johnny said leaving the RV in a rush. Matt smiled at me and I felt the heat raising in my cheeks. 

"What?" I asked defensively staring at my screen."I'm working don't be mad." His laugh made me glance up at him. We stood next to each other not saying anything. Jimmy walked in the door and I yelled loudly. "JIMMY!" He grinned coming up next to me. 

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