01 Run*

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Ok, so I grew up with a love of wolves that naturally developed into my interest in werewolves. The idea of being a wolf intrigues me. Plus, the metaphor of each of us having a beast within. Base instincts that influence our behavior. Anyway... this first bit has true information about how a wolf pack operates. Of course, it is fantasized somewhat, but the way pups are fed is true, and wolves are one of the only wild animals that will adopt another's offspring. Usually, they are younger than pictured here, but still. Just a couple of facts I thought you might find interesting... on with the story!



That's all I can think. My paws move without me even trying. The voice just keeps ringing in my ears. "RUN!" The command moves me. "RUN UNTILL YOU'RE SAFE!" That's all I know I need to run!

I look around and see no one. I slow a little. Where is safe? Where should I go? I whine to myself. I don't know what to do!

Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. I try to run again when teeth snatch me up by my scruff. I feel my tale go between my legs as I dangle from the mouth of a grey wolf.

He walks through a group of wolves into his den. Another grey wolf is curled up with four pups. I am dropped with the pups, and the wolf turns to leave. I get up and follow him. I need to run. I need to be safe! At the mouth of the cave, he turns back to me and with a growl, picks me up again, and plops me down with his pups.

The female wolf pulls me in and begins licking my neck and ears, cleaning me up. The male wolf lays at the mouth of the cave like a guard. I take a step towards him, and his growl echoes through the cave. He is protecting me. I am safe. The urge to run lessens. I bow to the male and return to the pups. I soon fall asleep in the pile. I guess this is my home. My family.


When I wake up, the cave is empty. Where are the wolves? They took me in and then left me! I am alone. I whine. It sounds ten times louder in this cave. A few seconds later, the female wolf runs in. She looks me over. Seeing I am unharmed, she pushes me with her snout, urging me forward out of the cave.

The light is bright. I want to go back to bed! I go to turn around when the female stops me. In a flash, one of the pups tackles me, and we roll a few feet.

Once my paws hit dirt, I ready myself to fight. He comes at me again, I dodge him and jump on his back. I can see the adult wolves lazily watch us. He throws me off. As soon as my paws hit, I charge him, knocking him over and pinning him. I give a playful growl, and he submits. This is fun! I push my nose into my brother wolf's neck and then jump off. He stands up and walks away.

Soon, many of the wolves begin to leave, and the pups walk to the den. The four boys I slept with and a few others all tucked in with two adult wolves. I look around and find the male wolf from last night. He claimed me as his own. My poppa wolf. I find him and run up to him. He huffs and nudges me back towards the den. I follow him again. With a growl, he scoops me up and tosses me in with the other pups. What are they doing!

No matter how hard I try, the adult wolves won't let me by them. I try to maneuver past them, but the opening is too small for my trickery. I am stuck. The wolves seem to enjoy my efforts to escape. I guess I amuse them. Eventually, I give up and play with the other pups. What else is there to do if I can't get out?

Just before nightfall, howling signals the pack's return. The two guards join the howl, and I take my opportunity to escape. I quickly find poppa Wolf and jump at him. I lick his muzzle, trying to get his attention. Where did they go? As soon as I grab him, he spits up meat into my mouth. A part of me says gross, but I am hungry. I grab at him again, but his growl warns me away.

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