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Sean's Office

"Dude when was the last time you took a legitimate day off?" Julian asked

"Um... I don't work Saturdays" Sean said

"Because it's illegal for you to work every day," Bailey said

"I don't think that's real if it's your company," Sean said

"The point is you didn't open this by yourself you should have someone else to help takeover," Bailey said

"Who?" Sean said

"Didn't you work with some of the young lions to open this? Why not Ian? or Hugh?" Julian said "Or any of the other people that helped you like whoever did your finances, or marketing, or legal stuff"

"Busy," Sean said

"And you're not?" Bailey said, "Besides do you need to be here that much?"

"Kind of, the day to day stuff is handled by the employees as signing up for classes is so easy now, but trying to expand and improve is up to me," Sean said

"Like?" Julian said

"I..." Sean said "I don't know"

"See you're just forcing yourself to be busy you don't need to be here every day, so why?" Bailey said

"I hit a wall," Sean said "I can't seem to choreography anything"

"How long?" Julian said as he noticed the lack of new Sean Lew classes

"3 years," Sean said "It's why I teach old combos if I do teach"

"A year after Kaycee left... she was your inspiration," Bailey said "You only pushed yourself with Kaycee, even when she was here you weren't teaching solo much"

"So why not just ask her to be your assistant or partner and make choreo together again?" Julian said

"That's... awkward," Sean said

"You two literally were just in the studio together," Julian said "And were flirting heavily"

Bailey got an intrigued look "Not flirting not repeating myself" Sean said "And that was her choreo not mine"

"So, if I call Kaycee and say you need her to help choreograph you wouldn't do it?" Bailey said digging in her pocket for her phone

"That's not what I'm saying," Sean said

"Ok now I'm confused, you need Kaycee but you don't want Kaycee but don't mind Kaycee?" Julian said "I wish Josh was here he could make sense out of this"

"Oh, how is he?" Bailey asked

"Good, having fun being a creative director, doing it with Big Will makes things easier on him, which reminds me he wants dinner with you this week," Julian said remembering an old text conversation with Josh

"Aw, I missed my best friend!" Bailey said "Tell him it's a date! But not like that obviously"

"I thought I was your best friend?" Sean said

"I mean with Kaycee back I think I lost my spot and..." Bailey said noticing they were losing track "Wait, stop I'm calling Kaycee you're choreographing something and Julian and I are taking a class that we're now 10 minutes late for"

"Oh shit!" Julian said running out the room "Nat's going to be pissed!"

"Yeah Kayc, ... I'm good ... Can you come to Sean's studio he needs your help he's stuck ... oh you're already here! ... Tahani dropped you off how sweet of her!" Bailey was saying motioning for Sean to run as Sean was panicking to get over to the private studio "Yeah I have class so you two have fun! But not too much fun! ... Hey you're the one who took that dirty"

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