4 More Years

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Written March 31st, 2021
4 years later


"Finally back!" Kaycee said to herself as she exited the airport and stepped out into the fresh air

Kaycee just got back from a 5-day dance convention where she was teaching to replace someone who got sick and let's say no one complained that they had Kaycee Rice teaching them

Honestly not much has changed over the past 4 years in contrast to what happened when she was gone 4 years

Tati moved out but since then she has made more of an effort to hang out,
Bailey and Kenneth moved in together so something is sizzling there,
Tahani broke up with her ex again but has enjoyed where her career has been going so far, Julian is still out there making moves building his dance resume, and even dating a few girls seriously,
The most surprising thing was that Josh was dating Jenna which happened about a year and a half after Sean and Kaycee got back together

As for Sean and Kaycee things have been great, you would think working together, dating, and having the same friends would be a problem but no, nothing serious,
They were a couple and like all couples had fights but they always made up almost being the role model couple amongst their friend group as even after all these years they never seemed to get tired of each other

*Beep beep*

Kaycee looked to her right and saw ahead and hand waving out the car it was her friend Julian waving out the window of Josh's car

"Kaycee get in!" Julian called out as Kaycee grabbed her bags

"Can't say no to a free ride" Kaycee said as she headed over she got in the back as Josh was driving and hugged through the seats "What are you guys doing here?!" She was surprised they were there

"We actually just dropped off Josh Beauchamp and then Sean texted us to make sure his marshmallow fluff got home safe," Julian said with a laugh

"You're making fun of him for caring so I won't laugh," Kaycee said as she held back the laugh "Marshmallow fluff?!"

"He said he was trying something I'm guessing you don't like that one," Julian said

"Nope!" Kaycee said as Julian and Josh laughed Josh pulled off and they started driving off

"So you excited?" Julian asked before immediately getting a quick elbow from Josh "You know you can see Sean again"

"I mean of course I do love the guy, I'm going to be happy to see him," Kaycee said with a laugh at Julian and Josh's behavior "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Josh said

"Absolutely nothing," Julian said

"You know if you would have made something up I would be less suspicious," Kaycee said as Iosh and Julian mentally smacked themselves as they could have lied better

"I asked out Charlize!" Julian tried

"Then why did she put in our girl group chat that she had an amazing date with a guy that specifically wasn't you" Kaycee said as Julian groaned "Tall, blonde, not a dancer probably can lie better"

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