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These rules are important, and not debatable. I am the admin, and my word is final.

1. Drama and fighting is great, it makes for a fun story, but please keep it in the roleplay! The role player is not the character, and if anyone's fighting outside of the actual role playing, that's not okay.

2. Diversity is great. It's more realistic, and makes for a much for fun roleplay. If you put 20 Mary-sues in a room, nothing will happen. But if you put 20 characters who are all diverse and wildly different from each, well... So please! Make your characters unique!!

3. Drama is amazing, drama is great, I could eat it up with a spoon. But...if it's going to have a big affect on the plot, you need to PM me and run it by me. So if you want your character to, I don't know, have cancer or get pregnant, something big like that, I have to agree to it.

4. We all have lives, we have things to do, most of us have online school or work, or want to get outside or do something fun. So please, don't tag people excessively. Give it 5-6 hours before tagging them, unless you can see they're online, then you can tag them after about 30 minutes. Password one: What are you doing to stay alive during quarantine?

5. No smut. Hands down, this, to me, is probably the most important rule. They can cuddle, they can kiss, but anything beyond that, no. Take it to PMs or time skip, if you must, but no smut.

6. I take back what I said for the last rule, this is even more important. Trigger warnings: Some people get triggered by certain things such as ⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️ r*pe, ab*se, su*cide and other things. Always check to make sure the person you're role playing with is comfortable with things like this before bringing it up. Password two: Tag three people.

7. Some characters cuss a lot, I understand, just please censor it, I don't want to be reported.

8. Try to stick to 2+ lines. This is not a literate roleplay, but we can all agree that one liners make for a very boring chain. I understand that it's hard sometimes to write more than a sentence or two, but if you do it excessively, well that's on you. Password three: Recommend me a song!

9. Be active please! This is quarantine, so if you're gone for more than a day, there's really no excuse. Please be active, and let me know if you're not going to be on for an extended period of time. If you do leave for a long period of time, you risk the chances of being eliminated, or if your character is important to the plot, having someone replace you as the role player for your character. So be active!!

10. Have fun!!! There's no point to this roleplay if you're not having fun.

Three strikes and you're out. Rules might be updated, but I'll let you guys know if they are.

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