Vol. 1: The Ball

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Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome back to The Weekly Illéa. We have been tasked with the job of covering the events of our royal family's very own selection!

The Ball
As with every good selection, this one started off with a ball! Unfortunately, there was not a lot of drama, so we had to dig deep to find something to cover. With no further ado, let's meet some of the ladies who are trying to win the hearts of our favourite prince, and his brother Rhian!

Lady Iris is a caste six cleaner, who spent an unprecedented amount of time with both princes, even managing to score a jacket from the eldest. She also seems to be forming a bond with Lady Arianwen.

Lady Cassandra was seen yelling at Prince Rhian. What they were yelling about, we don't know, but that's definitely not the way to make a good first impression! She was also overheard asking Prince George to ditch the ball with her, which is not appropriate behaviour for a queen at all!

Lady Azlia was seen joking with Prince Rhian about murdering people. Or were they joking? We all know how skilled this new Prince is with his knives, perhaps they are working in tandem to kill Prince George and take over the kingdom. We wouldn't put it past Prince Rhian to insert an accomplice into the competition. We ask Prince George to be aware of this, and watch out for any possible plots!

It seemed that some of the selected were having trouble recognising our lovely Prince George, and his brother, Rhian. Normally, this would be put down the masks, but seeing as the masks really only covered their eyes, we can only blame the stupidity of the selected who didn't realise just who they were talking to. These selected included both Lady Coral and Lady Arianwen, who never recognised the princes, despite having conversations with them.

That's all for today, we will keep you updated on the selection!

- Liza McKay, Editor-in-Chief of The Illéa Weekly


I apologise, I realise this is terrible. I wrote it in about twenty minutes, but there wasn't really much to write. We need tea people!!! Of course, I probably missed some things, because I am only one person, I cannot monitor every chain.

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