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{Author's Note: Hello!! So this my first story I've published on here. I know I suck so if you could just tell me if you like the story and share it, I'd appreciate that (: Also, I may repost this prologue other times because I'm posting it at midnight, don't know why, and I also would really appreciate people reading my story. So please tell me if you like my story and just thank you for reading!! Luv u cutie!(: }

"You don't have to do this Dylan! I know you! You wouldn't do this to me! Yo-"

He placed his hand firmly across her lips and then put his silver staggering knife in its place.

"I should cut off those lips of yours. Would be a shame, though. Then you couldn't use them to tell every other guy in town you 'care' and 'love' them. Then, you couldn't use them to suck one guy's dick and tell another you're committed to only him. Shame, it would be."

She started crying now. Her mascara leaving purple trails down her cheeks as evidence of how he had hurt her. But her display of emotion did not please him.


She gasped in pure terror at the ferocity that was drenched in his words. The veins in his neck were consuming his neck and branching out like blue tree limbs. His eyes gave the impression of a secret demon begging to be let out of his human cage; his rage clouding over his judgement.

At this point, he moved the blade to her neck and moved behind her; hand snaked around her waist.

"I thought being treated like shit from the ones I loved most was enough for a kid. But then, I met a girl, I'm talking about you dear Clarissa, who made me feel like a lovesick school girl. Until, unfortunately-"

His grip around the knife handle tightened; her breath became sharp.

"She slept with every guy around town."

At this moment, she was certain she had drew in her last breath. She said quick goodbyes to the ones she loved, said a quick prayer to the heavens begging them to pardon all her sins and waited.

she waited.

But he was one for the drama. He liked to have her at his mercy. He liked it when she shivered when he even looked at her.

He dropped the blade from her neck, and turned her ghastly pale body around to face his tan one. He put a hand behind her back, and raised a long knobby finger of his to brush back a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. She flinched at his attempt to show his care for her, and this displeased him.

"You're scared of me, aren't you dear?"

Her only response was her constant stream of tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Answer. Me."

She lowered her head in shame because she knew how he would react to her answer.

"Yes." She shakily told her once true love. With her head still lowered, she closed her eyes and braced herself for his punch, kick, blade; whatever he would do to her for her answer.

He stood up, and turned away from her. The moonlight leaking from the windows outlined his tall, muscular figure. He was a different man now, she knew that, but he thought otherwise. this had been him all along. Ruthless, unforgiving, heartless, selfish; all of it. He had finally had the last straw. And he let his true colors shine through finally.

She raised her head in confusion as to why he hadn't punished her for her response. He stood, basking in the moonlight, and did not say a word. He laughed and turned to face her. His brown eyes were almost sparkling in delight of her terror. He crouched down in front of her and put his hand under her chin.

"I already knew you knew that, Clarissa. Just wanted to see if you'd lie to me. Lovers don't lie to each other, didn't you know?"

She knew he was mocking her for cheating on him. This made her cry more, completely ruining her mascara she took forever to perfect. She did that for him. And this was how he repaid her. Binding her legs together with rope and handcuffing her in a cold room with a single window that illuminated the room only to reveal concrete floors and wooden beams.

"Although you are pretty when you cry, I would like to ask you to please refrain from continuing. It's becoming annoying."

She couldn't stop. She gasped for breath and wailed even more.


His tone was so fierce she was stunned into silence. He put the blade to her neck.

"Pick a number, and choose wisely my dear."

She was confused. She was scared of what he would do if she picked one, or if she picked 'the wrong one'.

"If you don't pick, I will."

His words were laced with venom. He sounded inhuman. His animal instincts had taken over and he enjoyed every minute of it.

"F-five.." Saying the word almost physically hurt her.

He pointed the knife at her right eye.


He moved it to her left eye.


The knife went to her right shoulder.


Now to her left shoulder.


He pointed the knife at her heart.

He smiled and said,


Two Were in May [ON HOLD//COMPLETE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now