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Sunlight streaked across Kaitlin's shut eyes through Dylan's white blinds in his exquisite bedroom. Her eyes slowly rolled opened due to the sun's hot rays. Quickly shielding the heat from her face with her hand, Kaitlin swung her dainty legs over the edge of the large bed. Dylan's arm went from around her waist to her once occupied spot on his bed. He breathed out and turned over on his side, facing away from Kaitlin.

Assuming he was still asleep, she made her way out of his room. She felt a bit weird and awkward for taking it upon herself to roam around his house like this, but she didn't care at this point really.

She walked into a spare bedroom across the hall from his. The walls were covered with records. Specific bands and artists stood out to her: The Rolling Stones, Bastille, Coldplay, Green Day, Grimes, Billy Idol, John Mellencamp, Michael Jackson, James Brown, the 1975 and J.Cole. She brushed her fingers lightly over the precious records, careful not to knock any of them down. Her attention turned towards the beautiful maroon guitar tucked away in the corner by a black amp. He had a computer station set up next to it and equipped it with important music making stuff, she had no idea what any of it was. A ceiling to floor high brown shelf that was separated into cubbies had various folders tucked away in them. Some were neat and others were messy. She directed her attention away from the shelf; she could never go through his things like that. That would be too personal.

Taking a seat on his black office chair, Kaitlin directed herself towards his computer. She clicked on his folder named 'music'. She scrolled among the hundreds of songs. Most were from the artists that lined the walls, others seemed to be original pieces from him. She wanted to listen to one very badly, but thought it would be beat for Dylan to show her what he wanted her to see at his own time. She was probably exploring too much as it is.

Sighing, she returned the desktop back to its normal state and got up from the chair. She walked to the door and took one last look at the beautiful room. She sighed once more and reached for the doorknob, then exited out of the 'music room' as she now started to call it.

Kaitlin looked around the hall for a second. After a few seconds she decided to check out the bathroom in the hallway since he kept his master bath so nice and well decorated. Opening the bathroom door, her theory was right. Black marble lined the walls and it was dimly lit by the vanity lights. "A little bit dark, but still wonderful." Kaitlin thought to herself. She closed the door and focused on her reflection in the mirror in front of her. She quickly tried to fix her messy hair by raking her fingers through the blonde mess. Finally, she decided her hair was the best she could make it regarding her lack of a hair brush or hair products.

Her eyes traveled around the bathroom. Becoming bored with just looking at it, she opened the cabinet hidden by the mirror. It surprised her when she saw pill bottles lining the shelves. Dylan seemed, okay if that's how you would put it, why the need for all of the medication?

"Maybe they're just.. advil or meds like that?" Now she was just making desperate attempts to, soothe herself?She was being judgmental and she knew it. Keeping that all in mind, she still picked up a bottle just to confirm if what she thought was true.

"Cymbalta? Why would Dylan have cymbalta? Isn't that an antidepressant?
Her eyebrows were raised in confusion and some shock. She put the white bottle back on the shelf and picked up another identical one.


She put it it back. She selected another bottle.


She repeated the process.



Two Were in May [ON HOLD//COMPLETE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now