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It was 4 am. They had been watching TV for hours. She fell asleep about 30 minutes ago, her long blonde hair had lost its curls and spread out like bare tree limbs. Dylan was panicking. He should've killed her a long time ago. Now he had this useless broad in his bed who would probably expect a 'call back' from him after she left his place. Before he thought intensely about his plan, he scooped her up in his arms . He carried her down the narrow hallway and opened the last door on the left with his foot. He laid her small frame down on the king size bed and covered her up in his black comforter. She was almost lost in the black cover and white sheets, but her blonde hair made her easy to locate in the sea of black. Making his way back to the living room, Dylan shut the TV off along with all the other lights. He returned to his now occupied room and went into the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth and took a minute to breathe.

The bathroom door was open, allowing him to have a direct line of sight to Kaitlin lying in his bed. He couldn't remember the last time someone was in his bed.

Then he remembered. It felt like nails were stabbing him in the throat. His mouth was painfully dry.
She was the last girl Dylan had had in his bed. She always looked so beautiful, every time he saw her. He loved her inner beauty. That was why really he loved her so much. You could always feel the compassion she had and how much she loved life. He didn't know how do that. She showed him. He gave her all she could ever want emotionally. Clarissa didn't care for the material things and Dylan loved that about her. He loved her with everything he had. He hugged her, kissed her, held her whenever he could and was always showing his appreciation for her; whenever he could.

Obviously his everything just wasn't enough for her. Sleeping with his best friend Sam and any other guy the whole time. He didn't call her a whore or slut; Dylan didn't like slut shaming. Just the idea of her using him to simply "feel good" when he was prepared to marry this girl ignited a hell bent passion inside him he had never channeled before or knew he even had. He never loved anyone as much Clarissa after his mother betrayed him. His mother..

He was crying and he saw Kaitlin stir in her sleep. He dried his cheeks and shut off the bathroom light. Kaitlin was awake now, but Dylan didn't know it. Dylan took off his outfit from the club and changed into just a simple pair of grey sweatpants. He climbed into bed.

Kaitlin opened her eyes and stared at Dylan.

"Oh shit," he said "you're still in your clothes from the club."

"Oh, yea." She blushed but didn't know why.

He got up out of bed and grabbed a plain white shirt from his drawer.

"Is this okay?" He gestured towards the shirt. Kaitlin nodded.

"Okaaay and.." he rummaged around a different drawer this time. "Would you rather have a pair of boxers, pants or," He turned around to face her, "you could always just not wear anything." He stared directly at her, the smirk on his face revealing his thoughts.

"Pants." Kaitlin quickly said. She got up out of bed to retrieve the clothes from Dylan's large hands. He reluctantly handed them over. She made her way to the bathroom, making sure to close the door behind her.


Kaitlin quietly opened the door just incase Dylan was sleeping. She made her way to the large bed on the balls of her feet. She was just about to sit down on the bed when he said, "I'm not asleep, just an fyi."

"Good." She responded and comfortably made her way into bed without caring about disturbing Dylan.

No one said anything more after she got situated.

She took a deep breath in. She wanted to ask the question that kept tormenting her brain ever since she woke up. She finally told herself to just ask because she would never know otherwise.


"Yes?" He responded in a raspy voice.

"Were you, um, well-er.."

"Don't be nervous Kaitlin," he turned on his other side so he was facing her, "You can ask me anything."

"Well, were you crying in the bathroom earlier? I feel bad if you were.."

"I don't want to lie to you. But don't worry about it."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's very personal. I'd rather bot share."

"That's okay. Thanks for being honest, though."

"Always." He scooted closer to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Goodnight babygirl. Hope to see you when I wake up." He retuned to his original spot and turned so his back was facing to her.

"Goodnight." She whispered back. She smiled as she fell asleep.


6 am. He couldn't sleep. All that filled his conscience was how the girl who's blood he should have had splattered on his basement walls hours ago was in his bed. Living; breathing. He turned around to face her. Her face was so innocent and calming. He knew was to early to think this but he couldn't help it; could she be his Clarissa? Would she love him the way he loved Clarissa? He didn't think about that too long. He only wondered how he ever could murder such a captivating beauty. He reached out and stroked her cheek, careful to not awake her. He accepted that her death was inevitable and it would have to be preformed by him; there absolutely no other way. He only felt it would be right.

"So serene." He whispered.

She groaned a bit and turned over so all he could see was his white shirt against her back. He took this as an opportunity to pull her close up against the front of his body. He decided he would kill as soon as he could. Despite what he felt about her and all they could achieve together one day, he was itching to kill. It was who he was. Of course he hated it, but what else could he do?

He closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He took in the sweet smell of her.

Kaitlin. Dylan. Dylan and Kaitlin. Kaitlin and Dylan. Oh how he wishes they could be together. But it wouldn't happen. It never would. All he could do now was cherish their last night together.

He missed her already.

Two Were in May [ON HOLD//COMPLETE REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now