Chapter Eight

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"Thank you, Cynthia," Princess Daisy breathed. She had just given Daisy the most beautiful dress she's ever made. It was a royal blue color with a squared neck. It showed off her hips and pooled at her feet.

"Gorgeous as always, Princess Daisy." Cynthia complimented her earnestly. "You're the best Cynthia," Daisy gushed. "I can't imagine having anyone else by my side through this."

Cynthia blushed. She had been with Daisy since she was a child. She watched Daisy grow up and supported her when things with her father were especially difficult. It was so rewarding for Cynthia to finally she Daisy happy. She had come back happy from every date with her suitors so far. Each date and appearance encouraged Cynthia to work harder and harder on her dresses.

Daisy felt like the prettiest girl in the world. She was only going to dinner, but she felt so beautiful, all thanks to Cynthia.

"Have a great time!" Cynthia called as Daisy left. She paraded into the dining hall where all the boys waited for her. All had grins on their faces, except for John Hunter. Daisy hadn't had the privilege of going on a date with him but she knew he usually wore a smile. In fact, she thought his smile was one of the cutest. So Daisy was disappointed to see he wasn't wearing one today.

They ate their salmon and potatoes for dinner but Daisy couldn't help but look over at John Hunter. He picked at his food and didn't participate in the conversation with the other men.

After they enjoyed a small bowl of ice cream, Daisy finally made eye contact with John Hunter. Are you okay? She mouthed. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, but his expression remained solemn. He shrugged.

Stay after? Daisy mouthed. A small smile played on his lips and John Hunter nodded.

Dinner went on normally and soon enough everyone began to file out of the dining hall. Princess Daisy bid her parents good night and sauntered over to where John Hunter stood at his table. He smiled lightly as she approached.

"Are you feeling okay?" Daisy pressed softly and placed her hand on his arm. He laughed meekly. "Complicated?" Daisy laughed and slid her hand down his arm to his hand. "Let's talk about it," she smiled and let him outside.

They walked down the hall and outside toward Daisy's favorite garden. Hand in hand, they walked and talked. "Is it me? Did I do something to upset you?" Daisy asked him. "Oh, God, no Princess. Far from it. Every time I see you I get butterflies. You're my sole purpose for being here. But if I'm being honest it's extremely hard for me to be here."

Daisy looked up at him. "What do you mean?" He sighed. "I miss my family so much, Princess Daisy." Daisy's heart felt like it was melting in her chest. All she wanted to do was wrap her arms around him and make all of his problems go away. His smile should never be hindered by such sadness. And Daisy couldn't help but feel like it was her fault that he was in pain.

"I'm so sorry, John Hunter. If you want to go home I understand. I've never been gone from home for more than a couple of days." She sighed. "I feel a little guilty." John Hunter shook his head. "You shouldn't, Princess. I'm choosing to stay here. I think you're worth it."

Daisy's heart swelled. "If you're willing to stay for me, I'd love to have you." John Hunter smiled. "Thank you for letting me confide in you," he smiled. Again, Daisy's heart swelled. "Always, John Hunter. Any time you need to talk, I'm your girl." John Hunter smiled.

"Hey," Daisy smiled. "What if we had, like, a code?" John Hunter turned his head. "What do you mean?" "Whenever you're feeling homesick or like you need someone to talk to, we had a code to use?" Daisy suggested.

John Hunter grinned. "That sounds fun." Daisy squeezed his hand. "So, what should it be?" She now had a slight skip in her step. She knew why John Hunter was upset, addressed the problem, and now it felt like they had a connection.

The pair continued their walk through the garden. Actually, they had left the garden hours ago. Now they were just making laps around the palace.

They talked about everything from John Hunter's family back home to whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Daisy confessed to him that she was torn in the competition. She told him that she felt a different connection with each of the other men and confided that she didn't know what to do. John Hunter suggested that she find what she values the most.

Daisy thought this was excellent advice. Everything was so jumbled up in her mind and it could be helpful to categorize each of the men. Daisy noted this and they continued their walk.

At last, the stars were high in the sky and Daisy decided it was time to call it a night. "Thank you, John Hunter," smiled. "I'm glad you decided to stay." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I made the right choice."

Both lovers returned to their rooms, thinking about each other. Daisy fell asleep thinking about John Hunter's lips on her forehead, and John Hunter fell asleep thinking about Daisy meeting the family he loved so much.

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