Chapter Eleven

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Cynthia asked warily as she pulled up the zipper on Daisy's tight-fitting evening gown. "Yes, Cynthia. This is a great idea! After Erik, I realized that in order to know everyone's intentions and story I have to connect with each man on a scale deeper than the trust I give out freely."

Cynthia nodded slowly, still unsure. "Well, that makes sense. But 3 dates in 2 days? Is that really the way to go?" Daisy shrugged. "I don't want to waste their time and I hope they don't want to waste mine. Look, Cynthia, the more dates I go on the closer I am to finding the one! So, look at this as a good thing."

Deciding not to push anymore, Cynthia grabbed a pair of silver heels to accompany Daisy's dress. "Cynthia, you've outdone yourself!" A blush fell upon the maid's cheeks. "Princess Daisy, you must promise you're going to have a fun night with your date tonight. Who are you meeting tonight?"

"William Byron," Daisy smiled. Just thinking about his cute round face and droopy locks made her heart beat a little faster. "He told me we're going to eat but I don't know what else he has planned." Cynthia nodded.

A knock on Daisy's door made them both turn. Cynthia pushed Daisy toward the door. The princess regained her composure and opened the door cooly. "Good evening, William," Daisy smiled.

"And good evening to you, Princess," William bowed in front of her. This made Daisy giggle. William outstretched his arm and Daisy took it. She sent Cynthia a wink before walking down the hall with William.

He led her to the dining hall where they ate every day. "William, I hate to tell you this but, this doesn't seem very romantic to me!" Daisy laughed. "Oh, just you wait," William warned.

They walked into the kitchen and Daisy's jaw dropped. On the kitchen counter laid an open recipe book and container upon containers of ingredients. "Wait, " Daisy breathed. "Yep, William smiled. We're making dinner."

Going through each dinner she'd had at the palace Daisy couldn't remember a single meal she'd prepared by herself. Aside from placing her fondue on a stick, of course. She was pleasantly surprised to notice she was excited to do this with William.

"I can't say there are many firsts left for me, but this is definitely one of them." William laughed. "Are you serious? You've never made your own meal?" Daisy laughed sheepishly and nodded. "My meals are always made for me. Yikes, I realize how spoiled that makes me sound."

William shook his head. "No, I don't think that makes you spoiled. You live a different normal here at the palace. And in that normal, you're doing other things that the common man isn't. So I don't think it's irrational that you don't cook your own dinners. You have a whole kingdom to look after.

Daisy smiled. William's calming words made sense. "Thank you," she smiled. "But I'm very excited to try this. I'm going to need all the help I can get though." William laughed. "If you think I'm a good chef, you're in for a surprise." Daisy giggled, his laugh was infectious.

Daisy and William ended up making chicken alfredo, or the closest thing to it. They attempted to follow the instructions closely but when they were done the chicken still wasn't warm enough so the pair just gave up and stuck it in the microwave.

Just as Daisy wanted her date with William to go well, she also wanted her date with Kyle to go well. The next morning, too soon if you ask Cynthia, he came by her room to pick her up for morning yoga. Kyle had challenged her to see who was more flexible. Of course, the only way to find a real winner was to do couples yoga. So, they both dressed in workout attire and headed down to the gym.

They rolled out their yoga mats and pulled up pictures of couples poses to see how many they could do. "I think we can do this one," Kyle grinned. "Because you're so flexible right?" Daisy groaned. This pose required her to flip on her back and support herself using her hands and legs while also balancing on Kyle's back.

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