Chapter Nine

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"So," Cynthia breathed excitedly. Princess Daisy had just gotten back from her first one-on-one date with Alex Bowman and Cynthia was dying to know all about it.

"Cynthia," Daisy giggled. Cynthia blushes and pulled back. "Sorry, Princess. I don't mean to push." Daisy grinned. "Oh, Cynthia, it was amazing!"

The maid pulled Daisy onto her bed and they began to chat. Daisy told Cynthia all about her date with Alex Bowman.

"He took me out to the village and we walked around the market," Daisy sighed. "He held my hand and it was the most peaceful evening. With him, by my side, I felt like I could do anything."

Cynthia smiled at Daisy. Her heart felt full. All she had ever wanted for the princess was this kind of happiness. And now it was coming to light. Cynthia could see the pure happiness on Daisy's face. In her smile.

"We talked the entire time. He told me he's admired me for a long time, even before the competition. And I don't know, Cynthia, my heart just melted."

"Well, what about your other dates? Who'd you go with this morning?" Cynthia smiled. Daisy's smile only grew, thinking about it.

She told Cynthia about her outing with Christopher this morning. They sat down for lunch and shared stories, enjoying each other's company. They talked about their childhoods and their hopes for the future. They must have talked for hours.

The day before she had gone out with Chase. He had asked if they could go out to the lake beside the palace. Of course, Daisy said yes. So they spent the day together by the lake and Daisy felt like anything was possible with such a handsome man by her side.

The evening before that Erik left a note at her door, asking her to visit him in his room at 7 pm. Daisy obliged. He welcomed her in and they played games all evening. They started with charades and ended with a hilarious round of Pie Face. The guard that Erik had put up was slowly crumbling in front of Daisy.

Cynthia listened gleefully as Daisy told her every detail from her dates. Oh, how Cynthia wished she could be young again like Daisy have these men mining over her.

Daisy fell back on the bed, letting her heart race. She felt like she was on top of the world.

And then, it all came crashing down.

She shot up immediately. How was she going to choose? There were still eleven men and so far she enjoyed them all.

Cynthia could tell something changed. "Princess, what is it? What's wrong?" Daisy felt the room start to spin. How could she do this?

"They're all amazing," she breathed. "How will I choose?" I sob suddenly overtook her. The thought of hurting any of the men in the palace made her heart twinge. She hadn't known any of them very long but this experience made Daisy feel like they had been together for years.

"Well," Cynthia spoke slowly. "I think the most important thing to think about is the future." Daisy nodded and Cynthia continued. "You have to imagine yourself in 10 years, or as Queen. Who do you want by your side?"

Daisy thought about this. Each suitor had a characteristic that Princess Daisy enjoyed. She made a list in her head.

Ryan made her feel comfortable and safe. Bubba made her feel alive. She has a fun time with Noah. He distracted her from her problems. Alex made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. She could go on and on.

"Cynthia, they're all different. How do I know what I want?" Daisy ran her fingers through her hair. She hadn't even been on more than one date with each of them and yet she was committed to their relationships.

"Think about when you're Queen. You'll be ruling the palace with your husband by your side. Do you want him to make you smile, to make you laugh? Or do you want him to converse with you? Or to be well versed in politics?"

Daisy thought about this. She wanted her future King to be someone who could make her smile and feel comforted, but also be able to handle the kingdom.

"I think that," Daisy stopped. "I don't know what I think." Cynthia smiled softly and placed her hand on Daisy's. "You'll know. When the time is right, you'll know."

Just as Daisy was beginning to feel relieved, a knock on her bedroom door said otherwise. "Come in," Princess Daisy called.

The guard quickly pushed the door open. "Ahem," he started. "The King requests your presence." Daisy looked at the clock on the wall. "At this time? It can't wait until morning?" The guard shook his head. "It's an urgent matter regarding one of the, um," he coughed. "Well, one of the suitors."

Daisy's heart began to race. Last time this happened it didn't end well. "I'll be right there." The guard shut the door and the princess stood up. She was so involved in telling Cynthia about her dates that she hadn't changed into her pajamas yet.

So, in her evening gown, Daisy bounded through the door and made her way to her father's office door. Daisy didn't know it, but deep down she was hoping this meeting would provide her clarity.

Last time one suitor went home, maybe the same would happen this time. And Daisy would have one less option.

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