Chapter Ten

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A hope for clarity pushed Daisy through the door to her father's office. There stood the King, Queen, a maid, a guard, and Erik. "What's going on?" Daisy demanded. She used the regal tone she saved for special occasions.

"Well," King Richard gruffed. "Mr. Jones is evidently not here for the right intentions, popularity, or money I presume. His presence is disgracing this family." The Queen seemed uncomfortable with her husband's words but didn't dare defend Erik's honor.

"Princess, I can explain," Erik started but the King cut him off. "That won't be necessary. While everyone was at dinner, a servant was cleaning Mr. Jones's room and found a collection of photos. It was revealed that Mr. Jones was already in a relationship before joining the contest, making you some sort of side woman. That is unacceptable. Why are you here? The crown?" King Richard roared.

Daisy felt her jaw drop. From the beginning, she had felt like Erik wasn't committed 100% but she had never imagined that this was the reason. Who would enter a competition like this, knowing there would be a relationship if they had a girlfriend?

Daisy's head whipped towards Erik. For the first time since he had arrived, emotion was expressed blatantly on his face. His eyes were swollen as if he had been crying and his face drooped like a saddened puppy. Daisy was beginning to feel sorry for him until a feeling of betrayal crept over her.

"What kind of sick person would do this?" She spat. Her words seemed to be a breaking point for Erik, as a tear spilled down his cheek. "I understand there is no excuse for my actions but I would like to explain to you my side of the story," Erik pleaded to her.

Princess Daisy wasn't sure if it was a temporary lapse in judgment, the guilt she would feel later on, or a sense that Erik truly was sorry, but she granted him time for an explanation. "Give us a minute alone, please," Daisy nodded towards her parents and the staff in the room.

They shuffled out slowly. The Queen gave Daisy a hand squeeze as she walked by while the King simply gave a stern stare. Daisy knew that no matter what he said, Erik was going home tonight. Her father would make sure of it.

"Start from the beginning," Daisy demanded. Erik swallowed quickly but nodded. "The truth is, I love my girlfriend. We've been together since I was 18 and I see a future with her. I'm sure you may have come to notice, I'm not necessarily the most level headed or sincere, so when we got into a huge argument the only retaliation I could think of was entering this competition. I'm ashamed to admit it but I knew it would bother her, and rightly so. So, I applied. I didn't really expect to get selected but I did so there was no going back."

Daisy could barely look at him. She had given her entire trust to these boys. She had assumed the best about each of them, even before they had met. And now her trust was beginning to crumble. If Erik could lie to her like this, couldn't they all?

Erik looked Daisy up and down, trying to read her. "Say something, please," he begged. "Erik, you broke my trust." He nodded solemnly. "What did you think was going to happen by coming here? How did you see this playing out?" "I didn't," Erik replied honestly.

"And that's the problem! You didn't think! And now I have to deal with the consequences." Daisy was lashing out and she knew that Erik deserved it but she couldn't help but feel bad. "And the worst part is, I actually liked you."

Erik's heart twinged at her words. "Daisy, please believe me when I say I truly do have feelings for you." The princess rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay Erik." "No," he insisted. "I truly do. I can't lie to you and say I care for you more than my girlfriend back home, but I am growing feelings for you. And it pains me to see you upset."

The anger that radiated through Daisy's body subsided a little at the honesty behind Erik's voice. "So, what did you think was going to happen? When were you going to tell me?"

Erik sighed. "Princess, I accept full responsibility for this. I didn't think about what I was doing or the repercussions of my actions, and I've only hurt people along the way. If I could go back I never would have applied anyway."

Daisy nodded slowly. While his last words stung a little bit she knew it was for the best. Erik had a girlfriend whom he loved back home, and things between Erik and Daisy likely would've been unrepairable after this conversation.

Daisy knew all this, and was hurt by Erik's lie, but was still saddened to send him home.

"Erik, I've truly enjoyed having you here and I feel privileged to have been able to get to know you. But, I'm sure you must know our journey has come to an end. I have to narrow my focus down and now that I know why you're really here I think it's best if you just go home."

Erik nodded solemnly but he understood where she was coming from. "I'm sure your girlfriend will be glad to see you," Daisy offered. The word girlfriend felt bitter considering the context but she tried her best to understand why he applied in the first place.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his slightly shaggy hair. "You were pretty understanding about my stupidity and rash decision but I think she's over it." Daisy felt her heart ache for Erik. It's true, she was finding it hard to understand why someone would go so far to spite someone they loved, Daisy knew Erik was a good person and deserved the best.

"Listen, Erik," Daisy spoke quietly. "I know that I haven't known you long and the time I did know you wasn't necessarily under proper circumstances, but I know that you're a great guy. And you'll have to make it up to your girlfriend and show her you're serious about her, but she'd be a fool not to listen."

Erik smiled. He leaned over to Daisy, closing the gap between them, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll never forget my time here. You're going to make a great Queen one day and any of the guys here would be lucky to have you."

Daisy smiled. She watched Erik walk out of her father's office. She felt strangely at peace. That is until the crowd filtered back in.

Daisy's mother was the first to speak to Daisy. "Are you okay, my love?" Daisy nodded. "I feel a little betrayed but he told me his story and I understand where he's coming from."

The Queen smiled. "I'm proud of you Daisy." She smiled. "You sent him away, right?" King Richard demanded. "Yes," Daisy gulped. "Good," he nodded down at her.

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