Calvary Ch. 3 Buy and Sell

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Chapter3- Buy and Sell (Achate Et Vente)

The morning master had told me that he had arranged a marriage on my behalf, my world stopped. I couldn't contain my emotions. "Master, what is the meaning of this?" He calmly put his hands on my shoulders and replied, "I have once told you that the greatest gift that I could give you was education." He paused then continued, "You have served me well and I feel now that you are of age, its well time you should be wed." I grew hot with frustration holding back tears, "That's not the life I wanted, I wanted to be a physician, not some mans property." Master looked concerned, "Sarah calm down, I understand you wanted to be a doctor, but you are a beautiful young woman and I see so much potential, it would make me so proud if you married and had children. I'm not sure how long I have left, it would make me happy to see that before my time is up." Master had sat me down after I had calmed down. "I'm marrying you off to someone you know, remember John, right?" I looked up, "Yes I remember, but is he willing?" Master stood up, "His mother has persuaded him as I had promised her to do with you. Elizabeth and I feel you two will make it work. Get some rest tonight, we leave tomorrow morning."

After a dreadfully long night, morning finally arrived. I packed my things and said my goodbyes to Ezekiel, who didn't seem to be fazed by my sudden move. Master and I headed out to meet up with Elizabeth and John. When we arrived, we were greeted by both john and Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled, "Sarah, welcome!" She motioned John to come closer. John looked flustered and Quietly told me, Good morning Sarah." I nodded in response. Master and Elizabeth chatted for a bit while John and I talked. I was curious how John felt about this arrangement. My personality just really didn't seem to fit his calm demeanor. I decided to be straightforward and ask, "So.... how do you feel about this arrangement? I want to be honest, but I can't do this, I love you like a brother John but not as a wife." John looked surprised and relieved, "I am so glad you feel the same." John pulled me into a hug, "I do love you as well, but as a brother." John seemed hesitant for a minute, "I also feel I won't be able to give you children. I grew up in the temple and you being so young I can't bring myself to lay down with you at night and give to you want your master wants." He looked down. I slightly smiled, "I understand, that would feel awkward as well, but before Elizabeth and master make any more further arrangements, we need to be upfront, honest, and discuss our disagreement with reasons why we can't go through with this." John nodded in agreement.

A few days later, john and I built up the courage to tell Master how we felt about the arrangement. I had attempted to be romantic with John but had a hard time responding and giving back, so we decided it was a no go. Elizabeth wasn't thrilled, but she was eager to find me a husband, so she kept looking. Being the hardhead that I was, refused any opportunity she had brought forth. Elizabeth was starting to get frustrated getting desperate to fulfill master's wishes. I had made an effort and returned to find Ezekiel to see if he'd accept an arrangement to be my husband. He refused my offer, telling me he'd already found a woman and that she was expecting. He also told me I was a bit chubby for his liking. I was hurt I'll admit but Elizabeth appreciated my efforts and she continued searching.

It had been three long years full of fall throughs and disappointments. I was ready to give up and I was tired of being let down. I felt it to be too much trouble to find a husband. I was beginning to feel closed off, especially towards men.  A few days later, it was a hot day and I folding clothes and Elizabeth returned in the afternoon with a tall, young man with bright green eyes who was dressed in soldier's clothes walked up to me. He wasn't a Galilean soldier, but a Roman soldier....

Authors Note:

This chapter was a brief introduction to a new main character. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far and I hope you will keep up.

                                                Sierra Ann

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